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full-body scanners in CMH


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Not sure if this effects many of you, but the recently installed full body 'strip search' machines are BULLSHIT. i am a frequent flyer, so I deal with this weekly. There is NO WAY in hell I am going to have an xray once a week, who knows what that radiation is going to do.


They just installed these a couple weeks ago, i have been picked to go through it 2 times already. Which of course I refused and got patted and wanded instead.

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i didnt know you could refuse the x-ray..... guess ill be doing that next time i fly then.


You can actually refuse to show ID too, it just opens you up to extra scrutiny. I flew out of CMH last week and had to put my arms over my head in some machine. It was 5 AM and I wasn't thinking straight, otherwise I would have refused too just on principle.

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You can actually refuse to show ID too, it just opens you up to extra scrutiny. I flew out of CMH last week and had to put my arms over my head in some machine. It was 5 AM and I wasn't thinking straight, otherwise I would have refused too just on principle.




yeah, i was ambushed the first time I saw one in the Atlanta, GA airport. I just went ahead and proceeded through it cause I didn't know anything about them, but now... FUCK THAT!!

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What's the constitutional issue? Right to fly? Not familiar with that article.


eta: The TSA's massive stupidity and use of security theater transcends politics, and is really a symptom of the fact that people suck at risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis.






what probable cause do they have to strip search me and seize my shampoo bottle, and fingernail clippers?

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but you don't have a choice, u must consent to the search or you don't get on a plane. so the government should decide weather or not I get on a publicly ran companies transportation?


Full-body machines violate the Fourth Amendment, which guards against unlawful searches and seizures, by subjecting travelers to an "invasive search" without any suspicion that they did anything wrong, the Electronic Privacy Information Center alleges in a July 2 lawsuit filed in a U.S. appeals court in Washington. The non-profit group was established to focus attention on civil liberties issues.




it's all just a whole big bunch of SUCK!

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What's the constitutional issue? Right to fly? Not familiar with that article.


eta: The TSA's massive stupidity and use of security theater transcends politics, and is really a symptom of the fact that people suck at risk assessment and cost-benefit analysis.


Your posts make my eyes bleed. You stand up for a child molesting illegal immigrant, and don't defend a law abiding citizens rights.

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Charter a private plane if you must. Major airlines are so intertwined with the government (flying through public airspace with the assistance of the FAA, plus declaring bankruptcy every 5 minutes) that most airports can hardly be considered private affairs. This is really no different from any hoops you have to jump through to drive on public roads.


If the security measures implemented by the TSA were worth a shit, I'd have no problem with the legality of it. But you're right, it is all a bunch of SUCK, but only because the security measures are moronic and totally not worth the cost.

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Your posts make my eyes bleed. You stand up for a child molesting illegal immigrant, and don't defend a law abiding citizens rights.


Sometimes unpopular positions are correct. What can I say. With all the knee-jerk reactionaries in the world, someone needs to bring some logic and reason into public discourse.


And come on, nowhere am I defending full body scans -- in fact, I've made multiple claims that they're retarded, and publicly stated that I will opt-out next time. Saying it's a constitutional issue is incorrect, though, and I've long held the belief that if you're going to stand for something, you should stand for it on grounds that are politically and legally defensible. In other words, saying that full body scanners are bullshit is a noble position, saying that they're unconstitutional is both incorrect and unproductive.

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Sometimes unpopular positions are correct.


...and sometimes they're incorrect.


Either way...whatever. If you don't like it don't fly. Not an option due to work? Suck it up or get a new job.


The one thing we still do have in this country is the ability to avoid things if we don't want to do them. We just may not like the consequences of those choices.


I.E. Don't like the scanners? Don't fly. Don't like taxes? Don't pay and get boned or live homeless. Don't like censorship on T.V.? Don't watch or only buy movies. Don't like something you're forced to do due to your job? Quit.


There are ALWAYS other options but most people would rather complain than take the alternative. Not saying it's as easy as just not doing anything, but there are alternatives.

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...and sometimes they're incorrect.


Either way...whatever. If you don't like it don't fly. Not an option due to work? Suck it up or get a new job.


The one thing we still do have in this country is the ability to avoid things if we don't want to do them. We just may not like the consequences of those choices.


I.E. Don't like the scanners? Don't fly. Don't like taxes? Don't pay and get boned or live homeless. Don't like censorship on T.V.? Don't watch or only buy movies. Don't like something you're forced to do due to your job? Quit.


There are ALWAYS other options but most people would rather complain than take the alternative. Not saying it's as easy as just not doing anything, but there are alternatives.




yeah, your right. no need to fight for our rights. just let them take everything, invade your home, shit in your sink. just let them do whatever, i mean. you could just get another house, right? no biggie!

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yeah, your right. no need to fight for our rights. just let them take everything, invade your home, shit in your sink. just let them do whatever, i mean. you could just get another house, right? no biggie!



Yup. That's exactly what I meant. Thank you for the crystal clear understanding. :)


Sorry if I ruffled feathers, and I think it's BS too, but if scanners are used and they don't get outlawed our options are what? Suck it up or don't fly.


I'm not sure how that became "them" taking everything you own and shitting in your sink, but it's all good. You going to them and using their services and them coming to your home and taking said shit seems to be two different things to me. Using a public service voluntarily and an invasion/take over of personal property are seperate items. all together. Nobody forced you to fly, did they? Maybe I'm wrong. I honestly don't know the whole back story so I'll admit I may be reading into this differently than necessary. For that I appologize.


For the record, I'm TOTALLY "on your side" with the scanners. I think they suck. I think taking 2 friggin' hours to get through security is a waste of time and man-power for the most part. I think it's absurd that my shampoo can't fly with me. The only thing it's ever attacked was dandruff. My mouthwash has only fought gingavitus.


I will fight for my rights, don't make any mistake about it, but for the time being and while the "fight" is taking place it boils down, once again, to two options.


EDIT: I know see how the "There are ALWAYS other options but most people would rather complain than take the alternative." could have been taken as an attack on you. That was not my original intentions. My bad.

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I didnt read all the responses but...


Looks like I'm going to be scanned on Saturday. I'm a fairly frequently flyer, but not enough to where this worries me. I just dont want some perv checking out my junk. You probably are exposed to more radiation once on the plane than from the scanner.

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