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Overheating xbox with an expired warranty

V8 Beast

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My sons xbox 360 is overheating constantly. They said it would cost $99 to fix it which is b.s. Before I go buy the new one and let him have my 360 is there any way to fix this thing without using towels?


anthonys always talking about some place liek micro center that works on them might wanna pm the head hebrew

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My sons xbox 360 is overheating constantly. They said it would cost $99 to fix it which is b.s. Before I go buy the new one and let him have my 360 is there any way to fix this thing without using towels?


New thermal paste and rewire the fans to operate constantly on high at 12v. You can even get creative and wire a switch to the fans to run them on high.

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Build a small fan system for it.. couple big fans pulling air out the back.. I tested once and left mine on while watching some movies and it was warm to touch even the outside, when I turned the fans on it was cool to touch like It was never on. You could probably build one out of cardboard even. Ill snap a pic of mine and post it up later
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Build a small fan system for it.. couple big fans pulling air out the back.. I tested once and left mine on while watching some movies and it was warm to touch even the outside, when I turned the fans on it was cool to touch like It was never on. You could probably build one out of cardboard even. Ill snap a pic of mine and post it up later


I built one 8 months ago and even went as far as putting it on the vent with the ac on 60 degrees recently. Its been dying slowly for a year..

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I built one 8 months ago and even went as far as putting it on the vent with the ac on 60 degrees recently. Its been dying slowly for a year..


need to re do the thermal paste as it isn't contacting with the heatsink properly.


while you have it open you might as well leave part of the case off if it continues to have the problem

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towel trick. worked on the broken 360 i sold to my buddy after he tried taking it apart and everything. but i think all you do is wrap it in a bunch of towels and let it overheat for a while. maybe joe(6speeds4) will chime in and share what he did exactly.
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Yeah lol! So any of you that actually know what you are doing want to help a brutha out???


Are you out of just the regular warranty, or the 3 year extended for RRoD also? If you're still in the three year, you can try sending it to Microsoft and telling them that you got the 3 red rings, even if you really didn't. A few of my friends did this and Microsoft didn't check that they actually had gotten the red rings, just sent them out a refurb unit.

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When we sent ours in for repair, we put in a work order online and we had a refurb unit sent back the very next day. the only thing I can figure is as soon as the guy at fedex printed off shipping order xbox must have somehow been notified and sent the refurb straight out. There was no way they could have received it and then checked the numbers and then sent one out. just send it back in and see if they even check it. I would claim RROD.
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step 1. go to craigslist

step 2 search xbox repair

step 3 find someone on there whos cheap


talk to them like you want to know how they plan on fixing the issue and maybe they will give you a tip to help fix it yourself.


No fix no charge



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