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saving craigslist


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So when I'm drunk I come up with some great ideas. Check it out, and I need everyones help. Here's how this works, when you see an add that is just retarted, please send the seller a friendly email assisting them. I have began this, simply telling the op; dear sir/ mam, if you would like to sell your particular item please learn to spell and use grammer that isn't from the urban or texting short cut dictionary. Also when listing items on your car please know what your talkin about.( I.e, don't put under motor mods, 255 walboro fuel pump.)

Then end your letter with a kind please do not be angry I want you to sell you item as you need this money and this item off your hands. Good luck,



I sent 7 tonight helping cl listers out. Try a few and see the response you get

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You are the last person that should be correcting the grammar and spelling of anyone. You type like a 3rd grader.




This isn't about me, plus I'm not selling anything and I'm smarter than a 5th grader. I'm just trying to save peoples sales 1 helpful hint at a time

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