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Weather rant


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So everything on the weather said we were getting rain today and some pretty rough shit was on radar in the Dayton area. Everytime I decide it's not worth it to ride the bike for weather we are suppose to get, it's always clear enough to ride. This morning looks great. I'm just not fucking with rain at all.


Share in my rant and fist yourself with your pussy comments.

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Throw some rains on it pussy!



Seriously though, I don't ride in the rain at all if I can help it. Maybe its because I'm still kinda new to riding, not to mention the fact that I need new tires and the bike is fairly torquey...


I'm always afraid of low-siding on a slick spot and landing directly on my vagina. Since the rain makes me tense, it takes all the fun out of riding, so its just not worth it to me.

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You guy's are on the same page. And I'm a new rider as well. I'm not looking to creat an issue that could have been avoided. I have a fun car and a daily driver that run fine. If I go down on the bike because I WANTED to get that ride in, well then I'm just a dumb ass and should have made a better call. Just not worth it. I'm very active with my work and my off time. Being injured and the recovery time, just is not worth it for a rain ride to work. But, I so want to ride more.


BTW, for the new riders. There's a novelist track day at Mid Ohio in a early Sept. I plan on being there to learn this bike better. It's like $200 for one day or $300 for both days. Need the right gear of course, but this is what I bought my bike for. It'll probably rain, but that's my plan now.

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get good tires and dont be an idiot - the rain is no problem if you do those two things.


Have you seen how Columbus people drive in rain? I have the right gear and the bike is not running anything that needs replaced. I can't trust the drivers+ the weather.

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Quit your bitchin' you made the right call, it will rain today, should be pretty nasty in 7-9 hrs.



See that shit in Illinois? Even if stuf doesn't explode as it get hotter durring the day, that should make it's way here. Just because it looks clear NOW doesn't mean shit.

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No, it's my rant, so I may keep bitchin'. As stated, it has been like this several times in the last few weeks. Where the weather says we are getting rain and then it turns out to be a day you could have riden. And 7-9 hours, if that holds, than I could have riden to work at least. I follow the weather very closely for work to see what work is getting done outside and to see what I will drive or ride that day. Just not worth it to be wrong.


Ben, your skillz on posting radar are a plus. I know it's coming today.

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There's a novelist track day at Mid Ohio in a early Sept. It'll probably rain


Yeah, I would not recommend trying to have any fun in the rain on a bike. Last track day I lowsided TWICE because of rain/wet track. That sucks bad, and now I have no confidence in my dunlop qualifiers at all. "Unprecedented lean angles in the wet" my ass.

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Guest tbutera2112
Have you seen how Columbus people drive in rain? I have the right gear and the bike is not running anything that needs replaced. I can't trust the drivers+ the weather.


very true - thats a valid concern!


bikes do fine in the rain, its just that people in cars dont even bother looking because they assume people dont ride in the rain...ride like youre invisible!

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Well it's the nature of the beast, you are going to get caught in the rain at sometime. Wait until the opposite happens. (no rain forecasted, and there is a small storm on your way home.) Then you will be really mad. It happens, I rode in light rain, and in winter. I rode to a CR meet in Reynoldburg one evening and it was in the teens. :)
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Guest tbutera2112
Well it's the nature of the beast, you are going to get caught in the rain at sometime. Wait until the opposite happens. (no rain forecasted, and there is a small storm on your way home.) Then you will be really mad. It happens, I rode in light rain, and in winter. I rode to a CR meet in Reynoldburg one evening and it was in the teens. :)


:thumbup: for not being afraid of the elements


no to just get you back on 2 wheels lol



i rode to my girls house on a bright sunny nice day, i got there and realized i forgot something at home, on my ride home was the worst rain ive ever had to ride in....couldnt even hardly see!!....ohio is unpredictable


gear is your best friend when riding, especially in the rain!



also, i leave my high beam on 24/7, rather blind people than not be seen at all

Edited by tbutera2112
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I know I'm going to lay a bike down. I know that because I know me. I don't ride like a fool. But, in the right place a will push to learn. It's an acceptable lose to me and that is why I'm so stuck on wearing gear all the time. But, I also know it will more than likely be on a track day. I know I'll get stuck in some pop up bad weather. It's ohio after all.


Track day plus rain = me not going to do track day.

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Guest tbutera2112
I know I'm going to lay a bike down. I know that because I know me. I don't ride like a fool. But, in the right place a will push to learn. It's an acceptable lose to me and that is why I'm so stuck on wearing gear all the time. But, I also know it will more than likely be on a track day. I know I'll get stuck in some pop up bad weather. It's ohio after all.


Track day plus rain = me not going to do track day.


it amazes me when people are out running those track days in the rain...fuck that!!

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