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Recently filmed UFO? activity


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Here's a warmup vid:


Video: UFO captured over Fresno, CA, July 17, 2010


Even given the quality of the video, you gotta admit that's a damn strange object.




It gets weirder...


Mothership spawns multiple UFOs over western Pennsylvania, US


Though there's been an increase of late in different areas of the world including the US, Penn. has always been a hive of activity, though it's picked up lately, as well. This filmed event is not unique! Similar events have been witnessed/filmed in other parts of the world and US.


Anyway, very intriguing, hard to explain, vids.



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Guest tbutera2112

why are all the ufo videos always shitty staticy piles of garbage :(



hell cell phones now take better video than that....i wanna see this shit in HD, maybe then it would be obvious what were looking at

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why are all the ufo videos always shitty staticy piles of garbage :(



hell cell phones now take better video than that....i wanna see this shit in HD, maybe then it would be obvious what were looking at


UFO videos are usually at night, and the majority of people don't own a camera capable of taking video of a bright object against a completely dark background. Hell, its hard for some professional video cameras even.


UFO videos will always be shitty. :(

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LOL, they are planes on final coming into the airport.


From this statement I know you didn't watch them all and that if you saw an actual alien, you'd assume it was just an ugly asian with a swollen head. :p


On a serious note, I've lived by an airport and I used to spend quite a bit of time plane watching near one of my old houses in a popular spot. I'm sorry, but nothing about those vids look like planes coming in to land. I'm also familiar with landing lights, the kinds, how they're supposed to blink depending on craft, etc. (Part of the shit I learned while flying with my grandfather.) Anyway, I'll be the first to tell you we aren't alone in the universe, but I'll be the last to believe until I see it in true tangible form. Having said that, I'm not claiming that these are alien crafts with living aliens in them. However, I am saying that they are UFO's (true definition) and very hard to explain away. They are definitely not planes coming in for a landing and can only assume you were partially joking if not completely joking. There are a handful of things wrong with that assumption.


be boo bop

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From this statement I know you didn't watch them all and that if you saw an actual alien, you'd assume it was just an ugly asian with a swollen head. :p


On a serious note, I've lived by an airport and I used to spend quite a bit of time plane watching near one of my old houses in a popular spot. I'm sorry, but nothing about those vids look like planes coming in to land. I'm also familiar with landing lights, the kinds, how they're supposed to blink depending on craft, etc. (Part of the shit I learned while flying with my grandfather.) Anyway, I'll be the first to tell you we aren't alone in the universe, but I'll be the last to believe until I see it in true tangible form. Having said that, I'm not claiming that these are alien crafts with living aliens in them. However, I am saying that they are UFO's (true definition) and very hard to explain away. They are definitely not planes coming in for a landing and can only assume you were partially joking if not completely joking. There are a handful of things wrong with that assumption.


be boo bop


They look like jet airliners with their "headlights" on. I see some fly over my house all the time at night with 1 bright light on each wing and another on the nose.

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Has nothing to do with terrible cameras, pictures like fire need certain elements, Fire needs Oxygen, Heat, Fuel. Pictures need LIGHT!


My camera captures night shots like this just fine. Granted, it cost a pretty penny. I'm just saying, of all these videos...

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Guest tbutera2112






its not impossible to take night shots

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I can see it as a possibility but for a craft that size, I feel it'd be a major airport and it's flight path would be different. The latter is hard to say for sure without watching it again and taking into account the filmer's movement. However, I sky watch nightly, mulitple times at night. It's all I do when I sit outside for 15min to smoke a cig thoughout the night. That thing just doesn't light quite right. Granted, that's not going to look the same with your naked eye, but the way the lights intesify then die down among some other things would have to be caused by the plane turning. At one point, the light intensity changes seem entirely too quick for a large plane.


Did you check out the second post of vids? Or at least the first one? Not the greatest quality, but you can see definitely see enough to go, "wtf is that?" lol

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First vid looks like aircraft lights. I've seen that configuration lots of times flying over.


Second vid is pretty cool, but I'm not to worried since it appears to be low tech due to the "smoke trail" being left by the main object.


I agree all UFO vids suck and theres no real good reason for it with today's cameras. I wanna see a UFO because as a photographer I'm not gonna be shaking all over and the focus is gonna be spot on.

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