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Anyone ever have to bail their dog out of the pound?


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I guess litteracy is not a strong suit to most of the fucktards on this site since none of you could read the part about "not wanting to hear your asshole comments". Do I feel bad that he is in the pound..obviously! Do I have the means to go get him out at this moment, fuck no. I have 34 dollars to my name, maybe you can donate the other 61 dollars since you feel so fucking bad. But since everyone feels the need to be cocksuckers youll be glad to know that I am about 90% sure my step dad is going to go bail him out tomorrow, and if he doesnt I am going to call and see if I can have them hold him til next friday when I get paid again.


well, if you can't afford a dog, you shouldn't have one---period. you need to hear some asshole comments, as well as experience a swift reality check. with $34 to your name, you should be more concerned about how you're going to pay for the basic needs of life (food, shelter, clothing)---not a dog. leave the dog at the pound-- you might love the dog, but you've proven you cannot provide for it

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I guess litteracy is not a strong suit to most of the fucktards on this site since none of you could read the part about "not wanting to hear your asshole comments". Do I feel bad that he is in the pound..obviously! Do I have the means to go get him out at this moment, fuck no. I have 34 dollars to my name, maybe you can donate the other 61 dollars since you feel so fucking bad. But since everyone feels the need to be cocksuckers youll be glad to know that I am about 90% sure my step dad is going to go bail him out tomorrow, and if he doesnt I am going to call and see if I can have them hold him til next friday when I get paid again.


Oh and to those that said I dont take care of him, I guess thats why I spend 300 bucks every 2 fucking months on medicine to treat his skin disorder. Or the reason he is inside an air conditioned house instead of outside on a fucking chain...yup I don't take care of my dog. So again in the nicest way I can say it..Fuck you!


I read the part about you not wanting to hear any bullshit but I decided I could really care less what you wanted. You put your personal problems out there and you get what you get. Deal with it!


I dont feel sorry for you one bit. Matter of fact I feel sorry for the dog. If you need 61 dollars I loan it to you but the interest rate will be very high and I like to paid back on time.


Lemme know

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Sweet, you should go adopt one of the other 50 dogs that are in the pound. Apparently there is a lot of "irresponsible people who don't deserve to have a dog" out there.


Edit: LJ he is now licensed as its part of the adoption fee, they also nuetured him (poor guy never got laid before hand)

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