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shes home guys. and doing way better than i would b.


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Im glad she is ok. I would say i cant imagine what you are going through but my Son was bite in the face by a dog four days before Easter. Chase had to have stitches and my kids mother never even called to tell me until 4 days later. I was beyond mad. Just enjoy everyday with your kids because you never know what can happen tomorrow.
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I can't even put into words how I would feel in your situation. It seems that things are going in the right direction. I am praying for your daughter and your family.
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she is very independant i wana help her and hold her she wants non of it. shes never been a cuddle kid unless sick. sometimes i wish she was. but i think in this case its good. she should rebound fast. i hope. thanks for all the well wishes. i dont know a lot of you but it deff helps.
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Seems like your daughter is in better spirits than you. Let her up beat attitude ease some of your tension.


I can't imagine the feeling. I hope everything goes well for her, you and your family.


I have actually thought about how strict I will be with my 2 dogs when we have kids. This is a horrible reminder of what risks we take with animals, even model pets.


Good luck, glad she is ok.

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I just saw this thread. I am so sorry for you, your family, and your daughter. I really hope everything will be ok with her and there are no long lasting physical or emotional problems.


This is one of my biggest fears in life. Having to see one of my children go through anything like this. Stay strong for her.

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damn my kids are that age I don't know what i'd do if that happened to one of them best of luck to her on a speedy recovery.


as for the scar part my youngest was running with a toy dinosuar and fell and cut himself pretty good it healed up so well you have have to really get close to see it as young as she is most of it should go away

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they said they may. the most visible one will be the lip and the one between the eyes. i hope they arent bad but if so ill do what ever it takes to get them fixed for her. ill have to wait and see. she is in a way better mood since being home.


Mederma and/or Vitamin E Oil. They will get rid of the scars.

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Also I think keeping her out of the sun will help it heal better with less chances of scars, but don't quote me on that. I was just told that when I was younger and busted a whole under my lip running on the playground thing. I didn't get to see the pics before they where moved or taken down, but I hope all goes well.
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Sorry about hearing this. I have not been on line for serveral days. I hope and pray everything is going to be OK. My grandson that came to NTR last track day got hit by a pickup truck on his bicycle about 3 weeks OK and had to life flighted to Childrens. After 4 hours of surgery and 3 plates around his left eye it looks like he will be OK. The plastic surgeon did a nice job. I feel you pain.
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