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Male RN

John Bruh

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Well I'm not sure if this should of went here or the meat market (as im not looking for a job I'm looking for information).


I have been debating the idea of going to school and getting into this field.


1.) To really get away from working with family

2.) to get away from the car business (its been good, and i've made a lot i just feel i need out).


I am looking into this path to really just open up options for me. Like I don't want to be tied down in one location like here in columbus. If i get into nursing I can get jobs at a different hospital in any location.


I know austin and a few other's are RN's so im just wondering your experiences, where you went to school, how hard was it to find a job, what are most hopsitals looking for (im guessing the 4yr degree), Is it hard to get on with the 2yr degree?

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i'm not an rn, but my father in law is a nurse at grant and he says that for one job opening they get hundreds of applications...it might be better to get a 4 yr degree and ace your classes so you have a better resume....


a lot of people went to school to become nurses and now there are tons out there looking for jobs

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My sisters currently doing this at everest( a school specific for medical stuff) an its a 7 month program for a nurse s assistant an from there they have placement to hospitols then. They work there as well as get there rn so it works out very well. Might wanna look. Into.
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i'm not an rn, but my father in law is a nurse at grant and he says that for one job opening they get hundreds of applications...it might be better to get a 4 yr degree and ace your classes so you have a better resume....


a lot of people went to school to become nurses and now there are tons out there looking for jobs




There seems to be a lot of nursing students in this area right now, jobs could be slim when you're done.


...and this.


The economy tanks = everybody rushes into nursing. It seems to happen with every downturn of the economy. It's a horrible time to start thinking about nursing. Everyone seems to think that it's where the jobs are, but that's not the case at all. The jobs in the nursing field are slim pickins right now, and for the foreseeable future. Also, the people who rush into it because of financial reason, rarely last. You've gotta have the heart for it.


Figure 3-4 years for school if you start now....for an ADN. 5 years for a BSN.


It's rigorous. Be prepared to put your life on hold while you're in school.


Don't expect the job you want when you get out (due to the influx of new nurses). Chances are you'll end up working in a nursing home wiping 90 year old asses for 12hrs a day.


Another point to make - with all the people heading into nursing, the pay is starting to decrease. What it'll be for someone entering the field in 4-5 years is hard to know for sure. Most likely much less than it is now.


I'm getting ready to head back to school to work on my Masters. In part, because I want to further my career, and also because I aim to put myself above all the rest of the newbs entering the field. I also lucked out and walked right into an ICU position, which is unheard of for someone right out of school. I precepted in my department while I was in school and really impressed the boss. So when I got out, I was offered a job. Another guy I went to school with filled out 93 applications after school, and was only offered one job at a nursing home - which he took. He's miserable right now.


Basically, it ain't all it's cracked up to be. If you've got a good, solid, and well paying job right now, I'd stick with it.

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depends on where you are. plenty of nursing positions open at the hospital where i work. like austin said---don't go into it just for the money. the medical profession is a lifestyle, not a career--doesn't matter whether you're an rn, lpn, md, etc---its a lifestyle.
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If you want to be a Nurse, go for it. VERY rewarding and there are so many options with a RN, not just patient care. Finding a job? Pretty easy in my opinion. OSU always always always has nursing positions available.... ALWAYS


Rad Techs, VERY hard to find a Job right now. The last class that gradumawated here at OSU, well I know of three people still trying to find something. RN is a better choice in my opinion

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Being a nurse and a good nurse is a rough thing to stack up to period. The overwhelming amount of people getting their RN's aren't nesc. the best suited for the job, and time will weed them out. Death and dying is a huge piece of it too and people usually have issues with working on cadavers (im doing that right now, fun class and very informative). Do some research and take your time to figure out if this is REALLY want you want to do. The beauty of healthcare in the US is you have a ton of options if you pay attention and do the schooling you need to accomplish what you want to do.
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Amys cousin and her husband both graduated with RN degrees [4yr bachelors] and found jobs within the last year with sign on bonuses. It depends on what you actually want to do once you get the degree. They both took 'starter' jobs and then he got a job in critical care with heart surgery patients and shes still looking to get into Ob. It can definitely be done, besides you'll be in school awhile. Another of Amys friends took a job nursing in California for the summer [she went to COTC in Newark] and she loved it so much she stayed. Definitely a lot of opportunities.
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