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glock 29 vs glock 30

Guest tbutera2112

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Guest tbutera2112

whats the major differences between these two?


cost per round, reliability, accuracy, etc?


i see a lot of people praising the 10mm, but it seems like the .45 would be a better option due to ammo availability and a bigger shot from a similar sized gun



anyone carry one of these? whats your opinion on it for a concealed carry?


can you get a full grip on it or just 3 fingers or what?



just lookin for some info since ill be in the market soon... ive narrowed it down to



springfield xd .45 acp

glock 29/30




springfield xd subcompact 9mm

glock 26



ide really like an HK 45 compact, but im not sure i could justify the price when i can get something just as reliable for several hundred cheaper




im worried that the subs will not give a firm enough grip being that i wont be able to get all my fingers on it for a firm grip



thoughts? who here carries a subcompact?


anyone with the HK 45 compact care to chime in and persuade me?



also...a lot of people say to get a 1911 for conceal because of how thin they are...but they just look so BIG

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Go with 10mm for a concealed carry. 45acp is a great defense round as well but I prefer the flat trajectory path of 10mm. Plus it sounds close to a .357 when going off :)


A glock is a glock dude. Beat the shit out of it, never clean it, and it will still fire with no problem.

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I got the 10mm and carry it 90% of the time. I like the gun a lot. There isn't as much recoil as people bitch about. If I were to buy it again I would buy the SF (slim frame). Because the 10mm double stack is wide. I don't mine it but if I could change it I would. But Tyler ur a bigger Guy so the normal one might fit u better.


Fully loaded its just a little heavier than my m&p40. Oh and go with the night sights

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Fullsize 1911 is downright retarded for CCW.


I plan on getting a Kimber compact something or other, or a Colt New Agent.


There ain't nothing wrong with concealing a full-size. Ill shove the barrel down my draws and hide the 5" barrel behind my cock.

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Beware the Kimber... Nothing but issues from them in the last two years.


I prefer the 45 ACP. EASIER AND CHEAPER TO GET AMMO FOR. If it was my only gun for carry, that would be the selling point.


On the other hand, 10MM is great. I love it. Perfect round, but you will pay to shoot it and it isn't the easiest to procure.


10mm never won any accuracy competitions, but it is accurate. check out double tap ammo for more information.

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I conceal carry a Glock 26 9mm. The only real issue i had was that there was no pinky grip, so firing the gun at the range with just the flat magazine that came with it was a bit cumbersome and took some getting use to. I bought three extended magazines that have a little pinky grip on them (and 2 extra round capacity) and it feels great. A bit more bulky to carry b/c of the mag but i'd rather have the assurance of being more accurate if i ever had to use it.


EDIT: As for the actual round, a 9mm is a 9mm. I know it wont have the same kick as a .45 or 10mm but i only carry hollowpoints in it and, hoping, if i ever have to use it the extra two round capacity will help... heaven forbid that ever happens but i guess thats why we carry right?

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Guest tbutera2112

thanks for the insight guys..i made the same thread on OR and they all suggested an XD 40 SC....a guy there has one and is gonna let me come check it out, i think ill do that and go from there




I have the 29 and a 1911 3" compact and a m&p40c. Ur more than welcome to check them out or we can go to the range and u can shoot them.


I wouldn't buy a 9 for ur main carry gun


im going to check out Meanies m&p40 and his xd40sc, i may hit you up on getting a feel for the glock - ill shoot you a PM if i decide i wanna come check it out


thanks man

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I have shot M&P's and I do NOT like the trigger pull and all of the CPD I have talked to do not like them either.


I am glock all the way. 21SF is a great gun and fun to shoot but too big to conceal. I currently carry a 23 and love it.


My next one will either be a 27 (baby 23) or 30. Both of which I have shot and both of which are awesome. May get the wife a 26 one day.

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