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U.S. Bankrupt?


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Now lets take a look at Slowbalts post...



85% of you started reading it, saw how long it was, and scrolled through the rest of that shit without even stopping... dont lie :lol:



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we have a court system


we could even put the executions on pay per view to cover the cost of the ammunition the pine box and the labor to dig the hole


and yes while the occasional innocent may get executed call it a sacrifice to the greater good when people stop commiting violent crime becuase they know if they get found guilty they are going to get shot at dawn

I can understand these thoughts and ideas but here is the problem, we now live in a world with a corrupt court system and anyone who does not believe this is crazy... Hell tell me honestly Oj didnt get away with murder... cause he did. "The glove doesn't fit"... my ass it doesn't fit. Just like everything in life now the court systems are ran off of money. Judges need to get re-elected so certain high dollar attorneys donate x ammount of dollars to their campagian funds, thus in return getting favors and their way in return in court. If you do not think this is the case you are nutts because I knew this is how it worked and used it to my advantage this year to get out of some deep legal trouble and it worked. And there is no way I should have walked from 2 dui's in 24 hours but I did because money talks and I know the system. I may have lost my lisence for 2 years but that is the extent of my violations. I am not bragging because I am extreamly ashamed for what I did and what not but thats beside the point. The point is money talks and if your willing to spend it on the best repersentation you can find, chances are you can beat your charges on just about anything... Like I said Oj got away with murder.

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