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Oh Jesus..


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1) I never said there was a separation between church and state, I stated that I BELIEVE in it (Just like people BELIEVE in their right to bare arms). I also said all parties involved need to be careful how they word their stance on the building of this Masque to back up my belief.


2) Scott and Brian (and other Military personnel), Honestly the things you have done and seen I cannot even fathom. I have never and will never speak ill of ANYONE's specific military experiences. I have the utmost respect for all of our troops.


That being said I would like to believe that the people that were trying to kill you and the rest of our American brothers and sisters are across the pond. I would also like to believe that this Masque that is being built will breed hope and maybe even patriotism! Maybe in a perfect world...


3) I still believe we have bigger fish to fry.

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I agree with you. While we're at it, though, we're going to have to drag you out into the street and mow you down. I know its kinda late, but you were born into and raised in the same religious beliefs as Hitler, Moussolini, Robert Mugabe, Flugencio Bautista, the KKK, Slobodan Milosevic, and the Sinaloa cartel. So, unfortunately, due to the massive damage they caused to the world (certainly more than the combined 4,000 dead in the WTC and 5,000 in Operation Iraqi Freedom, a "military engagement" begun by Bush) your freedom of religion is currently in question, so we ask that you refrain from expressing your beliefs. In addition, any churches that have been erected will be scrutinized by their relative location to other important historical landmarks in the area.



You say you deserve the freedom to own and arm yourself with whatever you want. You say you deserve the freedom to speak and spew hatred of others. Why? Because you were born in this country? Or because you believe in the "right" God?



This country won't be free until the inbred, ignorant, intolerant minority is educated. Fortunately for them, the education system is apparently a brainwashing system to make people docile and easy to manipulate, right? Cuz if it wasn't for our heroes in camo and those who protect the flag with hot lead at home, all the blacks, muslims, jews, rich, poor, crackheads, arabs, indians, hispanics, and eurotrash would take over and make your life such a living hell. Surely your life isn't a living hell due to choices you've made.

Agree with this. Why did we come to this country in the first place? To allow people to practice their own religous, and personal ideas without fear of persecution. Now many years later we as a country are denying other people this same right and chance at a free life that we came to this country searching for as well. I don't compleatly agree that this building should be built, but also preventing it from being built will violate many of the constitutional rights that our country has been built off of and be a slap in the face to all those that have died protecting and also gaining us these rights. Anytime I ever go to Slowbalt's condo he usually has FOX news on his big screen not MSNBC, so don't be quick to judge him as a liberal just because he is able to take himself outside of his little comfort bubble that many of you are still living in with your blinders on, and look at things outside of the box with a different more open minded perspective.

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Oh, fuck this thread is so full ignorance and bias is hilarious. A VERY LARGE POINT, (Capitalized, cuz it's a very large point, dammit. Get it?) is that THERE IS ALREADY ONE NEAR THERE. AND GUESS WHAT, IT'S BEEN THERE FOR 40 FUCKING YEARS! Not only will the new one not be anything different, but it will not be on the site of the twin towers. It is also not just a 'church' but is like a YMCA in that provides similar services. How many of you even knew all those facts?


I've been friends with some Muslims. We never even talked about religion. As a matter of fact, I have friends of varying religions while I myself claim agnostic. Never a single problem. None of them tried bomb me. Not once. But I leave my house for a weekend, and my white neighbor on the east side of me is living in here when I get back! Claiming "Manifest Destiny" or some shit. :rolleyes:




Ok, that last part may've been made up.


Anyway, my knee jerk reaction was to get riled up, as well. I at first found it 'in bad taste'. However, I learned some more facts and that, combined with our constitution and the fact I cannot fucking stand double standards, I've decided not to freak out about it.


On a side note:

A couple of you need to understand you can let the hate go. You're not overseas fighting any longer and the hate you hold will rot your hearts and ruin you. Please, understand I'm not saying you have to love everyone or some shit. Or that some people may not deserve a good hating. But it's your health, judgement and life on the line. It's just something I've noticed throughout since I started posting here. My buddy in Cali's the same way. It's taken him a long time to let it go enough to reach a healthy level. I hope some of you can reach that level, too.

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Oh, fuck this thread is so full ignorance and bias is hilarious. A VERY LARGE POINT, (Capitalized, cuz it's a very large point, dammit. Get it?) is that THERE IS ALREADY ONE NEAR THERE. AND GUESS WHAT, IT'S BEEN THERE FOR 40 FUCKING YEARS! Not only will the new one not be anything different, but it will not be on the site of the twin towers. It is also not just a 'church' but is like a YMCA in that provides similar services. How many of you even knew all those facts?


I've been friends with some Muslims. We never even talked about religion. As a matter of fact, I have friends of varying religions while I myself claim agnostic. Never a single problem. None of them tried bomb me. Not once. But I leave my house for a weekend, and my white neighbor on the east side of me is living in here when I get back! Claiming "Manifest Destiny" or some shit. :rolleyes:




Ok, that last part may've been made up.


Anyway, my knee jerk reaction was to get riled up, as well. I at first found it 'in bad taste'. However, I learned some more facts and that, combined with our constitution and the fact I cannot fucking stand double standards, I've decided not to freak out about it.


On a side note:

A couple of you need to understand you can let the hate go. You're not overseas fighting any longer and the hate you hold will rot your hearts and ruin you. Please, understand I'm not saying you have to love everyone or some shit. Or that some people may not deserve a good hating. But it's your health, judgement and life on the line. It's just something I've noticed throughout since I started posting here. My buddy in Cali's the same way. It's taken him a long time to let it go enough to reach a healthy level. I hope some of you can reach that level, too.


Well said and great advice.

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Well said and great advice.

+1 I also knew it it was going to be a YMCA and what not as well but for some reason forgot to put it in my post. I remember them talking about it on FOX news during dinner a few weeks ago with my parents. The advice of letting hate go is some strong and deep words that may effect and hurt some but I couldn't agree more. Don't get me wrong I have friends over seas right now fighting, and I thank them everytime I see them for what they are doing for us, and I will take the time now to thank anyone who is reading my post that has been in the armed forces and has protected our country. Without you guys we wouldn't be able to freely speek our thoughts and beliefs without fear of saying the wrong thing and being persecuted. I know adjusting back to civillian life is probably a hard thing to do after being overseas and having to kill other people, but adjusting back is a must because then it allows you to get a grip on reality instead of living the life that you had to live over seas which I hate to say is far from reality or a normal lifestyle. I feel bad for alot of people that has had to fight oversea's because their minds or so torn apart by the time they come back that they don't compleatly know who they are anymore. Have seen this first had with some of the people I know who have recently came back, its scary to say the least. I know not all soldiers are effected this way I'm just commenting on the few that I know personally.

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The debate isn't about religious freedoms in this country, it's the distasteful and ignorant display of a mosque no more than a mile from ground zero.


No doubt, bigger fish need fried, like a majority of our .Gov.

Actually the debate is all about religious freedoms. They are wanting to practice their said religion in their own place of worship, which is something many people on this forum do every Sunday at church. The only difference is they are not praying to the same God that we are so why should we punish them for their feelings and ideas of God and religion as they see it. Like it has been said before not all Muslims are out to blow our country into pices and kill us all. Only a small percent. Why punish that large fraction of people over the actions of a select few who are undereducated and brainwashed? Thats like saying all white people hate black people because whites started the KKK. I do agree that there are bigger fish to fry too ie gov officials, because over the years our country has began to forget and choose to ignore the fundementals that have got our country to where it is now. These are the same fundementals that this country was built off of. We are slowly moving away from a Democracy and more towards dictatorship/socalist government ideas. We are a government built for the people by the people and its not that way anymore and won't change untill the people make a stand. Unfortunatly this has slim chances of happening because the government has scared the people into thinking we need them to protect us by telling us how to live our lives, and telling us what we can and can not put in our bodies.... the list goes on and on.

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This whole thread is about religious freedoms. Last time I checked our country allowed freedom to pray to whatever God you feel like. If you take that away from someone you give other countries more reasons to hate on America. You can't blame actions of a few people on a whole religion. If that is the case Christianity should be not allowed in America. Do you know how many people were killed in the name of the Christianity Jesus in the past? I could say that about any religion frankly...
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This whole thread is about religious freedoms. Last time I checked our country allowed freedom to pray to whatever God you feel like. If you take that away from someone you give other countries more reasons to hate on America. You can't blame actions of a few people on a whole religion. If that is the case Christianity should be not allowed in America. Do you know how many people were killed in the name of the Christianity Jesus in the past? I could say that about any religion frankly...


Being able to pray to whatever religious figure you want has absolutely nothing to do with WHERE you are able to do it. There are zero attempts at stopping anyone from worshiping, only a movement to not allow one specific building in one specific area. I'm sure that if I were to try to build a church right on top of a muslim graveyard there would be a huge uproar and threats of bombings and jihad BUT BUT BUT THEY ARE A RELIGION OF PEACE



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A lot of the people who are angry over this issue are the people who fight to uphold the constitution and the bill of rights to their death. Regardless of whether you think it's a good idea or not, you can't logically say they shouldn't be able to build this while at the same time supporting the freedom of religion clearly stated in the first amendment.


Freedom of religion doesn't just apply to your religion.



That being said, I think those building the mosque could've taken into consideration and set a location not so close to the twin towers. Do they legally have to? Absolutely not, but organized religion has never been known to be logical either. (IMO, it's the polar opposite).

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Being able to pray to whatever religious figure you want has absolutely nothing to do with WHERE you are able to do it. There are zero attempts at stopping anyone from worshiping, only a movement to not allow one specific building in one specific area. I'm sure that if I were to try to build a church right on top of a muslim graveyard there would be a huge uproar and threats of bombings and jihad BUT BUT BUT THEY ARE A RELIGION OF PEACE




All I hear is hate for the constitution and the bill or rights. If they are Americans they have every right to build their place of worship within local laws. The mayor is ok with it and so am I.

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That being said, I think those building the mosque could've taken into consideration and set a location not so close to the twin towers.


Why is the ground breaking supposed to be scheduled on 9/11/11, ten years to the day after the worst act of Islamic extremism in history?

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Why is the ground breaking supposed to be scheduled on 9/11/11, ten years to the day after the worst act of Islamic extremism in history?

Just curious not trying to discredit you in any way but where did you get this information? Like I said Im just curious.

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Just curious not trying to discredit you in any way but where did you get this information? Like I said Im just curious.


I haven't been able to find any reliable news outlets reporting on this. The NYpost had something about it last week but cited no sources. I personally feel that opening it on 9/11 is in poor taste but I haven't heard any confirmation or heard any reasons why anyone would be pushing for this date so it is a bit early to take sides.

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Awesome!!! After reading this thread I have found that it is in fact ok to hate all white people for what they did to me in the past. I also hate all Japanese, Mexicans, Africans, and possibly Martians (not confirmed if it was a ufo attack but it could have been so I hate them too).



Angry Black Man.

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That being said, I think those building the mosque could've taken into consideration and set a location not so close to the twin towers. Do they legally have to? Absolutely not, but organized religion has never been known to be logical either. (IMO, it's the polar opposite).


Holy shit someone that understands the point of the matter!


Never the less, I plan to shit all over the building because I can.

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