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Question... Why is he banned, and this thread still open... Should have been locked up a while ago... there is nothing important in here... now it is a complete off topic thread man whore thread...


Just saying.


The answer you seek is within this very thread grasshopper. Read and be enlightened.

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Question... Why is he banned, and this thread still open... Should have been locked up a while ago... there is nothing important in here... now it is a complete off topic thread man whore thread...


Just saying.


Because this is the Romper Room and that is what people wanted right?


Just saying

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Because this is the Romper Room and that is what people wanted right?


Just saying


We should close it so that someone else can make a thread about this one being closed.


Wayne should be back in a few minutes. Lets throw him a welcome back party!!!

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How about I come to a website you own, set up some illegal activities, and then not give a shit when you are held accountable for what happens?


I think that would be super cool.


ok you can do it i dont cair i own the site hes helps me out on my site heres the site http://www.ohiodragracers.net hop to see you on there

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x2 you keep trying to question how the site is run. most people don't have an issue following the rules. rules are set by the people who run the site. if you don't want to follow them then hit the bricks bub


They are more like guide lines anyways...lol ;)


But really dude, how hard is it to read a set of rules and just follow them?? Can you read?

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ok you can do it i dont cair i own the site hes helps me out on my site heres the site http://www.ohiodragracers.net hop to see you on there


I browse it from time to time just to see what is up.


You should care because who do you think will be named in a lawsuit or on a criminal docket? A smart lawyer will go after anybody he thinks he can get money out of. That means you have to hire one to defend yourself and a good lawyer is not cheap.

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I browse it from time to time just to see what is up.


You should care because who do you think will be named in a lawsuit or on a criminal docket? A smart lawyer will go after anybody he thinks he can get money out of. That means you have to hire one to defend yourself and a good lawyer is not cheap.




He's not responsible for other peoples actions. Its not illegal to talk about street racing. Its illegal to physically do it. I can talk about selling cocain meth speed and hookers all day long. Cops could follow me around for 6 months and if I never do any of the following then it doesn't matter. This site gets a bad rep from the news, cops watch the board and you guys act like they won't know wen and where no matter if we say it or we don't. No one ever mentioned the spot people did race this summer but the boys kno about it now and watch it. Talking shit is part of the fun, weather its claiming u will get walked from a 40 roll or a dig. Its not anyones fault but the people doing the act. If ur dumb enough to do it, ur dumb enough to get wat comes to u

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If the website is involved in setting up illegal activity of any kind information can be seized. If the powers that be determine cr is too much of a hassle do to legal investigations they can choose to drop us like a bad habit. Why is that too hard for people to understand.


P.S. Talking shit with no intentions to race is a waste of time.

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He's not responsible for other peoples actions. Its not illegal to talk about street racing. Its illegal to physically do it. I can talk about selling cocain meth speed and hookers all day long. Cops could follow me around for 6 months and if I never do any of the following then it doesn't matter. This site gets a bad rep from the news, cops watch the board and you guys act like they won't know wen and where no matter if we say it or we don't. No one ever mentioned the spot people did race this summer but the boys kno about it now and watch it. Talking shit is part of the fun, weather its claiming u will get walked from a 40 roll or a dig. Its not anyones fault but the people doing the act. If ur dumb enough to do it, ur dumb enough to get wat comes to u


Please don't ever try to defend yourself in court beause you will get fucked up in the worst way.


If the website is involved in setting up illegal activity of any kind information can be seized. If the powers that be determine cr is too much of a hassle do to legal investigations they can choose to drop us like a bad habit. Why is that too hard for people to understand.


P.S. Talking shit with no intentions to race is a waste of time.




Let me spell out how this works for you Phil. There is this thing called evidence in a criminal case and it is used against you. Coming on the internet and talking about something that is not legal can be used against you as evidence. What happens is they take this evidence, show it to the jury or judge and link you to the ilegal activity. It is all about what you can prove or show in court.


It does not matter if you take "in mexico" on something that could make it look even worse.


To be honest I could give to fucks about what anybody talks about on this website. You can make vids of youself doing lines of coke off of Ginger's ass doing 40 rolls all day. I would click and laugh at the amount of gayness going on.


If you don't like the rules talk to the people who put them in place, the mods just have to do as we are asked.

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Disclaimer: I don't really care this much, I just enjoy the banter with wagner





I agree with some of your statements but when it comes down to it, you have to be caught doing something wrong to be guilty. I can talk about racing all day long. Street racing that is, I can tell you how I rolled on somone from a 40 50 and 60. I can say how I'm rockin out doing top speed runs at 11 pm everynight down 70. But if I'm cruising everyday at 65 in my 3 cyl integra and I'm in bed by 1030 then its just some dick face on the internet talking shit. Its not cr's fault that I'm being a tool if I go out and did that stuff, cr isn't driving my car, cr isnt condoning it. So how is it cr's fault? How can cr be held responsible? Maybe cr should get a better law consultesnt. Clearly freedom of speech isn't freedom of speech. Yes the first place they will look for evidence is here but they cannot blame cr for my actions. If I were an investigator, id beg to keep cr around just to build a case so once the guy gets caught you can throw the book at them. They didn't bust the pewter camaro at his house talking about 40 rolls, they busted his ass in the act. Jus saying




Oh and racing is ghey, play cod

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Disclaimer: I don't really care this much, I just enjoy the banter with wagner





I agree with some of your statements but when it comes down to it, you have to be caught doing something wrong to be guilty. I can talk about racing all day long. Street racing that is, I can tell you how I rolled on somone from a 40 50 and 60. I can say how I'm rockin out doing top speed runs at 11 pm everynight down 70. But if I'm cruising everyday at 65 in my 3 cyl integra and I'm in bed by 1030 then its just some dick face on the internet talking shit. Its not cr's fault that I'm being a tool if I go out and did that stuff, cr isn't driving my car, cr is condoning it. So how is it cr's fault? How can cr be held responsible? Maube cr should get a better law consultesnt. Clearly freedom of speech isn't freedom of speech. Yes the first place they will look for evidence is here but they cannot blame cr for my actions. If I were an investigator, id beg to keep cr around just to build a case so once the guy gets caught you can throw the book at them. They didn't bust the pewter camaro at his house talking about 40 rolls, they busted his ass in the act. Jus saying




Oh and racing is ghey, play cod



Because CR could be shown as an accomplice to Vehicular Manslaughter if a race was set up on this site and the race then takes place and someone ends up being killed in it whether it is a bystander or one of the drivers. Then that opens up Anthony (and a very very small possibility the mods) here to a Civil Suit. I'm sure Anthony doesn't want to lose his house, car, life because you want to continue to be a fucking moron.


I can't make it any clearer than that.

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Disclaimer: I don't really care this much, I just enjoy the banter with wagner





I agree with some of your statements but when it comes down to it, you have to be caught doing something wrong to be guilty. I can talk about racing all day long. Street racing that is, I can tell you how I rolled on somone from a 40 50 and 60. I can say how I'm rockin out doing top speed runs at 11 pm everynight down 70. But if I'm cruising everyday at 65 in my 3 cyl integra and I'm in bed by 1030 then its just some dick face on the internet talking shit. Its not cr's fault that I'm being a tool if I go out and did that stuff, cr isn't driving my car, cr is condoning it. So how is it cr's fault? How can cr be held responsible? Maube cr should get a better law consultesnt. Clearly freedom of speech isn't freedom of speech. Yes the first place they will look for evidence is here but they cannot blame cr for my actions. If I were an investigator, id beg to keep cr around just to build a case so once the guy gets caught you can throw the book at them. They didn't bust the pewter camaro at his house talking about 40 rolls, they busted his ass in the act. Jus saying




Oh and racing is ghey, play cod


Disclaimer: I don't really care this much, I just enjoy the banter with phil and I am not a lawyer and in no way am giving legal advice.


You are 100% correct you can't be arrested internet or bench racing. You have to think like a lawyer to understand this. It is CR fault because they are not preventing the action, they are allowing it. Why do you think bars are shut down because drug deals are based out of them?


There is a reason why a good lawyer costs a ton of money, they find ways to either bust you down or save your ass.


The law can work in both ways to set you free and nail you to a tree that is just how it is.


The real players don't come on here and talk about racing they go out and do it now.

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Disclaimer: I don't really care this much, I just enjoy the banter with phil and I am not a lawyer and in no way am giving legal advice.


You are 100% correct you can't be arrested internet or bench racing. You have to think like a lawyer to understand this. It is CR fault because they are not preventing the action, they are allowing it. Why do you think bars are shut down because drug deals are based out of them?


There is a reason why a good lawyer costs a ton of money, they find ways to either bust you down or save your ass.


The law can work in both ways to set you free and nail you to a tree that is just how it is.


The real players don't come on here and talk about racing they go out and do it now.


ok smokers get a warning that says this will kill you eventually, if you smoke it its your choice. cr has a disclaimer that says we dont condone racing since its illegal. but if you do it you will get caught.


is that not the same thing? thats a serious question

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ok smokers get a warning that says this will kill you eventually, if you smoke it its your choice. cr has a disclaimer that says we dont condone racing since its illegal. but if you do it you will get caught.


is that not the same thing? thats a serious question


Please see below...


Has that disclaimer stopped lawsuits to cigarette companies? NO! At least they have $$ to pay. Anthony could possibly lose his shirt off his back, Kids, everything.......


You can put a disclaimer on things all day but that means jack shit. People try to sue the company I work for all the time even with our disclaimers we have on everything we do.

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Offshore servers owned by a worthless LLC would eliminate the risk.

Not that it's worth all that hassle just to be able to post shit like "dig for 20?" or "I'll split your whig from a 40 roll"


the good days

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