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Monster now with Yamaha :)


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maybe a place for hopper next year as i beleive both toseland and colins contract are up after this season. and monster will try to infulence who the next rider will be (their guy hopper) on the grid next year

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i dont see edwards or toseland going anywhere.

plus i highly doubt tech 3 will consider going from mid to lead pack riders to having a backrunner on their roster... no matter how much money monster pushes around.

hopper has been on shit bikes for the past few years and got hurt last year. and last year tech 3 was getting major help from yamaha (remember the tech guy on eurosport saying it)

and motogp is high on politics! sadly...

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hopper left suzuki for more money with kawi and looked what happened... suzuki went from backrunner to now they are showing test times in top 5 even top 3. and hopper was still fighting for last place... sure he may be a good rider, but he certainly isn't a smart one.

other riders are now reaping the rewards of his testing IMO.

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also think about it from monster's side of it.

now they are sponsoring edwards and JT, who are more or less mid to front pack runners every weekend. why would you go back to a guy who was a backrunner.

tv cameras only show the action up front. hopper being in back means little to none airtime for showing off the monster brand.

sure let him test with yamaha, but yamaha has got a large role in this as well. i just dont see them dropping either of them for a known backmarker...

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