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Should I or Shouldn't I...


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I don't buy the same thing twice.


I have been looking in to a C6Z but the best price I could find on a low mile was $38k, little more than I'd like to spend. Like I said before nothing is set in stone, I have allot of options right now. Hell I will be re-enlisting in the next couple months to which I could contribute even more. Who knows!




you will spend more in the end buying a modded car, because you will want to put more into it, and spend more on it to fix things, and upkeep--that's the nature of owning a modded car--there are constantly new costs. i bought a catback, intake, shifter, and dynotune on my GTO 3 years ago, and haven't even had to put any money towards it in 3 years--not even tires. you can put the same mods on a c6z and run 10's with good tires.


take your re-enlistment money and put it towards a house---you'll have a lot more to show for it in the end. cars are great for fun times, and memories, but owning your own home is a way of making money--it will make the money you earned defending this country seem all the more worthwhile--as opposed to saying "i spent a ton of my deployment money on a new motor for my car"

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you will spend more in the end buying a modded car, because you will want to put more into it, and spend more on it to fix things, and upkeep--that's the nature of owning a modded car--there are constantly new costs. i bought a catback, intake, shifter, and dynotune on my GTO 3 years ago, and haven't even had to put any money towards it in 3 years--not even tires. you can put the same mods on a c6z and run 10's with good tires.


take your re-enlistment money and put it towards a house---you'll have a lot more to show for it in the end. cars are great for fun times, and memories, but owning your own home is a way of making money--it will make the money you earned defending this country seem all the more worthwhile.


Agreed, I do intend on buying a house at some point in the near future. I will continue to keep my eyes open for a clean C6Z. I am pretty picky on how clean something needs to be. I don't necessarily want to get out of the modding car world I just am tired of modding my cobra. I have no problem continue on something gives me that feeling of excitement to do something new to it.


All the people here that do can agree you know you love the feeling when you buy something new or you sit up all night planning what you want to do and how you can make it your own and make it faster. I lost the love and feeling with my car. I need something new to spark that again and have fun.

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dover why do you want a z06 so much??? I mean I know the power etc but you can get a reg c6 low milage for cheap. with a war. and just put the basic mods on that etc etc. you dont need to start with 500 horse you can start with something reliable and still fun as hell to drive and not worry about it. I mean we have a 07 c6 with 11 for 35. thats just the lowest milage one we ahve so I mean you get the idea
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dover why do you want a z06 so much??? I mean I know the power etc but you can get a reg c6 low milage for cheap. with a war. and just put the basic mods on that etc etc. you dont need to start with 500 horse you can start with something reliable and still fun as hell to drive and not worry about it. I mean we have a 07 c6 with 11 for 35. thats just the lowest milage one we ahve so I mean you get the idea


Why would I settle for anything less than a Z? I have a couple friends with C6's and yes you drop some money in them they are fast. But like Kirk said a C6Z with a I/E/T and make SAFE and RELIABLE power. Plus its a Z and it's SEX!

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Why would I settle for anything less than a Z? I have a couple friends with C6's and yes you drop some money in them they are fast. But like Kirk said a C6Z with a I/E/T and make SAFE and RELIABLE power. Plus its a Z and it's SEX!





honestly you wont be happy with anyhting you buy Dover, you have gone through some pretty nice cars in a short period of time hating them all. I dont see the C6Z being any different

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Dont trade for that evo dover. Stick it out and sell the cobra, and not to degrade you or your cobra at all, but I think you will have to lower the price quite a bit to get people to even bite on it. Thats just my opinion on observing the current cobra market. I do like the 7 though that you were looking at. Ever think about just buying a stockish car and doing all the mods yourself, or do you prefer to buy one thats already modded?
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honestly you wont be happy with anyhting you buy Dover, you have gone through some pretty nice cars in a short period of time hating them all. I dont see the C6Z being any different




i know my cobra is faster than my z, but the z is a completely different car---feels 1000lbs lighter than the cobra, stops from 120mph like its nothing, and turns heads at every single stoplight. the cobra does not, and will not ever do this. if you're not happy with a lightly modded zo6, then you won't be happy with anything as far as a sports car goes--certainly not an evo that's been modded to piss.

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Dont trade for that evo dover. Stick it out and sell the cobra, and not to degrade you or your cobra at all, but I think you will have to lower the price quite a bit to get people to even bite on it. Thats just my opinion on observing the current cobra market. I do like the 7 though that you were looking at. Ever think about just buying a stockish car and doing all the mods yourself, or do you prefer to buy one thats already modded?


I bought my cobra with some mods but I have literally built it from the ground up, there is not a single part on that car that was on it when I bought it. I never want to do that again.

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i know my cobra is faster than my z, but the z is a completely different car---feels 1000lbs lighter than the cobra, stops from 120mph like its nothing, and turns heads at every single stoplight. the cobra does not, and will not ever do this. if you're not happy with a lightly modded zo6, then you won't be happy with anything as far as a sports car goes--certainly not an evo that's been modded to piss.


Let's be honest, it's all PERSONAl PREFERENCE. I've driven C6Zs and still prefer a properly built evo. Two completely different animals good at different things.

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I never said it was..


I said I wanted a lightly modded Supra..


I am still in the beginning stages of talking with him, nothing is set yet.


I think I can put you in touch with a Supra. It's older, but he is looking to trade. He is picky as hell and has turned down about every offer, but he has gotten mostly junk.


I'll PM you.

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If I were you I would consider doing a trade for a nice C6. Its possible you might find one on the corvette forums super mint and nicely modded or bone stock with a owner looking for a highly modded cobra. Then you would have a reliable car with good power for street and play time. Then down the road get into a C6 Z. This seem more realistic at this time for you. I think the EVO would put you in a similar situation down the road.
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I got to drive a 720 wheel Evo at Marion last Saturday night (not sure if it is this car or not)and I have to say I really enjoyed driving the car. It launched easily hooked great and stayed straight.


The owner told me that I made the cleanest pass the car has ever made and that was on my 2nd attempt.


Since I have been told I am a shitty driver (LOL) I'd guess anyone could get right into one and run 9's... I did :)


My vote is C6, but not a modded one, buy a C6 or C6Z if you have the coin, and I/E/T and be happy. With those mods on a C6Z you can run 10's no problem (well maybe not you but some drivers can)

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