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Need some ideas for the horsepower pedal contest.

DTM Brian

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1. Does anyone have bicycle they can donate for this. Possibly bring it the day before the dyno day or in the morning?

2. Should we have a set amount of time to pedal the bike? Say 20 or 30 seconds?

3. Do you want to offer a reward for top speed?

4. What time in the day do we want to do this? I would like to limit it to know more then a 1/2 hour so we can make sure all customers are taken care of. I have a feeling I am going to be extremely busy.

5. If people want to pay a sign up fee of say $5.00 bucks, I will give away gift certificate good for some dyno time to be used at a later date. I am thinking possibly an hour of dyno time which is a $75.00 value. We can use the sign up fee to either donate to the forum or pay towards our food and drinks. I am already donating $5.00 per bike that I dyno to Ohio Riders.

Let me know your thoughts. I would like to have this somewhat organized.

I almost forgot. Who is going to win?????????????

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Are you saying we should have a prize for the lowest power?


What would that prize be?:D

:lol: then the crippled kid would walk away feeling like a winner :trophy:

i think you will be best doing just highest speed and hp.

unless you wanns throw a handicap out there :lol:

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you can have massive torque at low rpm.

okay, so what is K then?

edit: the only way to find power without knowing rpm, would be if speed was constant... you gonna pedal a constant speed? count me out... I don't wanna play bicycle hp game anymore

edit # 2: ohhhhhh... so if the dyno forced a constant speed, would that be an "active" dyno?

Edited by wrillo
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okay, I get it all now. I searched inertia dyno and got some good results. I was thinking inertia dynos measured hp, but they don't. They measure other stuff then use the moment of inertia of the drum to find hp, so it makes sense now.

so are you in or out?

yeah I am, I should kick some arse

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you can have massive torque at low rpm.

Thats my preferred method :D Gobs of TQ below 5k rpms will give you good hp numbers (muscle car method), or you can spin it to 50k rpms (Import method).

HP=Tq*RPM/5252 There is no such thing as HP, it's a number achieved from mathematical formula. Torque, is a measurable twisting force around a center point that can be measured, nominaly in Nm or, Lbs/Ft.

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