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Viroos (Mac people GTFO)

El Karacho1647545492

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Disclaimer: This is not a Mac vs. PC thread. This is a request for help, so anyone thinking about chiming in about how Macs don't have viruses will be exposed as the insecure attention whore that they are.


Problem: Google chrome (my normal browser), regedit, msconfig, services.msc, task manager are all failing me. I think I probably got this virus when I accidentally confirmed instead of rejected a group invite for an obvious virus on facebook (my fb is in portuguese, trying to re-learn...poorly apparently) and it took me to a facebook-looking site that probably gave me the compu-AIDS. I immediately ran McAfee and it came back with nothing, so I thought nothing of it. FForward to today when I wake up and start my computer, none of this shit works. I CTRL/ALT/DEL to see the problem and Task Manager appears for .01 seconds and then is gone. I go to regedit and msconfig, same problem.


So I physically go into /WINDOWS/System32 to look for the most recently modified files, find the only ones in the last 3 days are called Autoskey.dll and FNTCACHE.dat. Both appear to be malware, but I can't delete because I can't access anything and its currently being used by a program (FNTCACHE I did delete). McAfee finds nothing wrong with it when I scan Autoskey.dll. I'm writing this from my work computer because my home desktop is grinding to a halt.


So far the only thing I can find suggests that I restart in safe mode and try to uninstall but I didn't have time for it this morning. Anyways, most people who have reported these symptoms say safe mode doesn't do anything for them. Anyone here have any idea what is fucking my shit up?

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can you restore to an earlier date? that should help because it will literally bring your system files back to a previous time.



yeah, this is what i'm leaning towards at this point. mostly everything in my computer is backed up on my external HDDs so i'm not too worried, i just hate system restore.


i'll try ultimate boot if i can, unfortunately my interweb access is hampered by this problem,

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Ill put money down saying system restore won't work. As soon as you click system restore it will immediately go away like all other system programs. Give safe mode a shot, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If not, back everything up to an extra hard disk, and reinstall windows. What version of windows are you on? Xp, vista or 7? 7 ftmfw
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Ill put money down saying system restore won't work. As soon as you click system restore it will immediately go away like all other system programs. Give safe mode a shot, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. If not, back everything up to an extra hard disk, and reinstall windows. What version of windows are you on? Xp, vista or 7? 7 ftmfw


should've specified at beginning


i'm running xp media center edition, i think its on sp3.



edit: and yes, if it come to getting a fresh copy of windows, i'll probably just get 7.

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i'll try ultimate boot if i can, unfortunately my interweb access is hampered by this problem,

I have used Knoppix several times when I needed to kill something and still couldn't do it in Safe Mode. It's basically a light version of Linux that runs right off a CD or DVD. The DVD version has more stuff on it, obviously, but either would work equally well for this. This assumes you can still get on the net and burn an iso though.


After removing anything you know for sure needs to be outta there I'd run Malwarebytes and maybe CCleaner (clean the registry too). If all of that doesn't do it, you're probably looking at a wipe & reload.

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is it worth installing 7 on my current rig? its about 3 years old



LGA 775 Intel G965 Mobo

Intel core 2 duo e4600 2.4 ghz

ATI radeon x1600 graphics



it works fine for what I use it for now. I used to do some gaming but have since stopped due to buying an x360 and new games' intense requirements, so I don't really care about insane performance.

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is it worth installing 7 on my current rig? its about 3 years old



LGA 775 Intel G965 Mobo

Intel core 2 duo e4600 2.4 ghz

ATI radeon x1600 graphics



I installed 7 on my 5 year old laptop, just had to upgrade my memory. Those are far better specs than what it has, doesnt even have a graphics card, so you should be good.

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is it worth installing 7 on my current rig? its about 3 years old



LGA 775 Intel G965 Mobo

Intel core 2 duo e4600 2.4 ghz

ATI radeon x1600 graphics



it works fine for what I use it for now. I used to do some gaming but have since stopped due to buying an x360 and new games' intense requirements, so I don't really care about insane performance.


in all honesty, 7 requires about the same amount of resources as Xp, and less than vista. im running 7 on a e6400(2.6ghz core 2 duo) with 4 gigs of ram, and it runs soo smooth.


windows 7 has a built in virus and spyware remover, called windows security essentials, its caught a ton of shit since ive last installed.


trust me, you wont be disappoint.

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he's not really wrong with the language, its just that fries are pommes frites would lead one to believe that pomme means potato, not apple.


In other news, I seem to have isolated and fixed the problem myself. Here's what I've been able to figure out:


It was a program that was a whole fuckton of gibberish under task mgr processes; something like vqsurjeuqiw.exe. Evidently its very new because google returned 0 results when I searched for that. I found that file and the only info tagged on it that I saw was that it was from "Security Suites Corporation". There IS some info on that throughout the web, and it appears that they've been connected to several attacks in the last week (earliest I saw was as of 9/2/10).


Most results come back with a similar story, that some gibberish name program (like mine, w/different letters) installs itself in C:/Documents and Settings/[uSER]/Local Settings/Application Data/[GIBBERISH FOLDER NAME]/[GIBBERISH FILENAME].exe


This virus seems to be flying under the radar of most/all malware programs including malwarebytes. Keep an eye on your computers and make sure you don't get this shit. Its fucking annoying.

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