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Greatest Examply of Pavlov's Theory EVER!!!!


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For those of you that don't know who Pavlov is or his Experiments.


Ivan Pavlov was a psychologist who hypothesized that animals could be conditioned to act a certain way based on prior experience. One example was by ringing a bell before feeding his dogs. The dogs soon became accustomed to being feed when the bell rang so they would start drooling at the sound of the bell.




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Kinda weak examples. The 2nd vid is more Skinner than Pavlov. If you want in depth examples, take a look at yourselves when you play WoW and the like. lol This bastard's experiments, along with BF Skinners, has led to many breakthroughs for commercialism and human control.


It's amazing just how far companies have taken their experiments and applied them to people. I read an interesting article (on Cracked of all things) about how video games are created with the purpose of getting you addicted. No suprise there, however, you may find it a bit disconcerting just what they consider and how easily your mind is manipulated. And not just with 'fun'. (I'll see if I can go find the article.) If any of you play a MMO, you probably know what I'm talking about. ;) The fun has left at this point, but you keep playing. Wanna know why? Read on below:



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Wow. That's definitely way more indepth. Thanks for the read. Always enjoyed Psych. I didn't have to go above psych 120 for college but so far to 551 just cause I enjoy the classes.


Me, too. I didn't really take any college courses thought it's always intersted me greatly. I've done a decent amount of studying on my own and have read quite a bit of material. It's amazing and scary at the same time how the human mind can be manipulated and how some of the things that we think make us different, makes us humans or what we consider superior, can be taken advantage of. Our brains our like the ultimate quantam supercomputer but being ran and programmed by the learning disabled. :D

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Kinda weak examples. The 2nd vid is more Skinner than Pavlov. If you want in depth examples, take a look at yourselves when you play WoW and the like. lol This bastard's experiments, along with BF Skinners, has led to many breakthroughs for commercialism and human control.


It's amazing just how far companies have taken their experiments and applied them to people. I read an interesting article (on Cracked of all things) about how video games are created with the purpose of getting you addicted. No suprise there, however, you may find it a bit disconcerting just what they consider and how easily your mind is manipulated. And not just with 'fun'. (I'll see if I can go find the article.) If any of you play a MMO, you probably know what I'm talking about. ;) The fun has left at this point, but you keep playing. Wanna know why? Read on below:






Love that article, best quote:


" It's less about instant gratification and more about a freaking sense of accomplishment. How much harder would we work at the office if we got this, and could measure our progress toward it? And if the light shot from our crotch? "

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