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drunken OU fans = win.


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got hungry for a good burrito, and being late, i decided i'd head down to campus and hit up la bambas...


walk in, 2 guys in OU gear are the only people in there...theyre takin their sweet time to order, finally decide what they want, and as the guys ringing them up he looks back to me (mind you, im in my OSU tshirt and hat) and goes "what are you getting? its on me!". haha. then as they were heading out and i said thanks again, he goes "see, us OU fans aren't that bad". can't beat that with a stick.


and that burrito was f'n delicious




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Pretty typical Oregon behavior.


Also, the guy who was Brutus at the game on Saturday actually posted his account of what happened...


"I figured someone would mention this, and yes it was me that was Brutus during this. I'm only going to comment on this once so here's the story.


Basically myself and another cheerleader were running the flag like any other game leading the team out onto the field. All of a sudden I see the bobcat running at me. Obviously at first I was very confused and then realized that he was going to try and tackle me. As he went to tackle me, I lowered my shoulder and sent him to the ground and his head popped off (the pinnacle of mascot embarrassment). I then figured that was over with so I started to walk towards the endzone and was firing up the crowd. All of a sudden I feel someone jump on my back....it was the bobcat. He starts legit punching me so I jump and fall back on my back so that I land on him. He keeps punching so I throw him off of me and walk away.


It wasn't planned and he almost got thrown out of the game. A lot of people asked why I didn't wail on him and my response is not only did I not want that to be my last game (Big 10 has VERY strict rules in regards to mascot fights) but I didn't want the bobcat and OU to make headlines off of Brutus' name and fame. After the first two OSU touchdowns I decided to exact my revenge with a little more class by waving the flag directly in his face and repeatedly pointing to the scoreboard.....and that's all I have to say about that."


This has also made it to http://www.deadspin.com now and one of their latest updates says that the student who was the bobcat on Saturday has been banned from any future team events...lol.

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