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Captivate vs Iphone

Jizzle Juice

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Thinking of getting one as i seen the 3gs 8gb for $99. So if i were to get one of these would i need more than 8gb or what? i listen to music and such but i prob wont need much. Does the apps take up alot of space? Is it better to jailbreak. So if you guys would lemme know whats up id appreciate that. Edited by Jizzle Juice
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16gb is probably the best way to go, if you plan to add music and movies. I had a 16gb and I was able to have several movies and about 1000 songs. I still had about 3 gig to spare. Apps do not take up a lot of space. You'll run out of real estate before space with apps.
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It depends on you. I had the 3G 8GIG and had 3 pages of apps and about 200 songs on it. I had no issues and 8GIGs was pleanty. Some apps take up more room, so that's where it depends on you.



I had a 8G 3G also with a ton of apps and it was only about half full. I don't listen to alot of music on the go, so I only had a hundred songs or so and no videos saved.


My IP4 is a 16G and is only about a quarter full, even with a few HD movies and several hi-res photos saved on it. Again I don't have a ton of music on there either, but if I added all of my MP3s it would still be about half full. Depends on your specific storage needs.

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Ok. i dont think ill be much of a movie watcher. Music and apps would be fine aswell. But is there any other good phone on the att line worth getting other than the Iphone?

Samsung Captivate is nice. Probably one of my favorite Android phones. The HTC Aria looks decent also, but it's not quite as nice (cheaper though).


If you like the iPhone platform, it's only $100 more for an iphone 4... I like it and I'm definitely not an Apple fanboi. I'm not a fan of iTunes really and the lack of simple OTA updates, but it's not a bad platform.

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If the Samsung Captivate is anything like the Fascinate, i'd get that over a 3GS or IP4 anyday of the week. I don't want to turn your thread into an Apple Vs Android, but your freedom and experience is endless on Android.
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If the Samsung Captivate is anything like the Fascinate, i'd get that over a 3GS or IP4 anyday of the week. I don't want to turn your thread into an Apple Vs Android, but your freedom and experience is endless on Android.

I agree. The Fascinate is basically the same phone (Galaxy S). If I wasn't already coming from an iPhone I would have seriously considered the Samsung. I actually looked at the Aria a bit also but decided I'd remain an iPhone loyalist for now.

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IMO put forth the extra money and go iPhone 4 just to get the 16gig capacity. I have a 3Gs with 16gig and it's plenty of room for my 1,300 songs and a handful of movies. I wouldn't don't stress too much as you'll likely not keep the movies on there after you watch them. I only load it up when I'm hitting a couple flights for the month, then I delete them.


I also change up my music. I keep maybe 500 songs that I love and pretty much play 90% of the time in shuffle mode. The rest are either new stuff I want to feel out or oldie shit that I just have to have on there for the right mood. I've yet to run out of space and in fact just put a bunch of books on CD on mine. 16GB is good though.


If money / budget is a huge issue, you can't go wrong with the 3Gs. Once it's on the new iOS4, it's pretty much the same phone so you're not losing much functionality that's worth much.

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Im coming from android but i heard the att version of the galaxy s had flaws because of restrictions?

A guy I work with has the Captivate. I remember he found that he couldn't "side-load"(?) apps and a few silly things were blocked but it was pretty minor. I'm not really an Android guy. I think Kickass could probably better explain.

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Ya, this Galaxy series with the Super AMOLED screens are crazy. I opened the camera on it and it was as clear as my eyesight was...amazing screens. Shames my Evo screen.

Like Tim said....if I did decide to get an iPhone...it would have to be the IP4.

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Ya, this Galaxy series with the Super AMOLED screens are crazy. I opened the camera on it and it was as clear as my eyesight was...amazing screens. Shames my Evo screen.

Yeah. I also think the Captivate is a nice compromise in size. It's super thin and big enough to watch vids without being huge. The Evo sized phones are a tad big (L x W) for my liking.



That being said, I still don't regret purchasing the IP4 at all.

Edited by twistedfocus
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The Galaxy S phones (captivate, fascinate, oscillate, titillate...whatever) are really nice phones. Only one I don't care for is the Sprint version because it has a keyboard. The AT&T one wont let you install non-market apps, so if I give you an app and tell you to install it from your SD card, you can't, but I'm sure there's a fix for that. Go check it out.
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The AT&T one wont let you install non-market apps, so if I give you an app and tell you to install it from your SD card, you can't


That would suck...I pull down .apk files all the time and install from my SD...especially ones I don't want to buy. :) It would suck if I couldn't.


I'm holding off on upgrading the Evo's card till the 32gb cards drop a little more in price.



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The Galaxy S phones (captivate, fascinate, oscillate, titillate...whatever) are really nice phones. Only one I don't care for is the Sprint version because it has a keyboard. The AT&T one wont let you install non-market apps, so if I give you an app and tell you to install it from your SD card, you can't, but I'm sure there's a fix for that. Go check it out.


When you say that about the install apps from the sd card. Are there plenty of apps that you could? like whats so special about that?

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When you say that about the install apps from the sd card. Are there plenty of apps that you could? like whats so special about that?


Most apps are on the market anyway so it's not really a big deal. If you really wanted to load a non-market app you can still do it with ADB.

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