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Sports Center and Mike Vick.


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Could fucking Sports Center suck off Mike Vick anymore then they already have? I mean OK, he played against my Lions, we might have the worst secondary in the league. Giving his stats and quarterback rating from that game and comparing it to his career stats or the "old" Vick is fucking stupid. Wait until he plays a team that has a secondary. I mean the last stupid comment I watched and heard is comparing him to Peyton Manning. Holy shit Derek Anderson would have better rating than Manning if he only played 1 game against the Lions. I am a huge Lions fan, but we can't cover girl scout troop 442 out of Lansing Michigan. Fucking ESPN might be as bad as Fox News.
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Dont be too angry. Put together his last too games and yes he has done great for not playing for sometime. Give the man a little credit, he has became a better passer IMO. He isnt peyton thats a given but given old vick to new he is a better pocket passer by all means and you cant deny that.
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If im home ill keep the tv on espn so if something catches my eye when i walk through i can watch it....well today it was all about vick. every time i walked in blah blah vick. i just turned it off.. they do the same thing every year when old man river farve is "deciding" to come back or not.


off topic i consider your infatuation with the lions an abusive relationship. 2 and 34 since 2008?


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Could fucking Sports Center suck off Mike Vick anymore then they already have? I mean OK, he played against my Lions, we might have the worst secondary in the league. Giving his stats and quarterback rating from that game and comparing it to his career stats or the "old" Vick is fucking stupid. Wait until he plays a team that has a secondary. I mean the last stupid comment I watched and heard is comparing him to Peyton Manning. Holy shit Derek Anderson would have better rating than Manning if he only played 1 game against the Lions. I am a huge Lions fan, but we can't cover girl scout troop 442 out of Lansing Michigan. Fucking ESPN might be as bad as Fox News.

Don't be mad just cause your Lions lost. Ya Vick tore you guys a new one and ya the Lions are not good at all, but don't forget the week before he nearly brought the Eagles back agains the Packers. They have easy a top 10 defense and their secondary is extreamly talented with Charles Woodson and the rest of his gang running around out there. I would hardly call that a week defense. So actually Vick has played more than one game and his stats in the 3 quarters against the Pack were just as steller as he was against your Lions. Im happy to hear that the man is doing well honestly, I think he should have gotten this second chance and its big news in the sports world because he is now getting that second chance, which alot of people were hoping would never happen and are now wishing him ill fortune.

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Yes it was the lions, but vick was suppose to be worthless as fuck. A good comeback story is always good news. And he is the greatest running qb of all time. Point blank. The most exciting player since barry sanders, and the hardest player to game plan for. Think about it; you can't spy him, hell burn any lb in the league, you can't blitz him, if he gets a crease he is out for 30 plus yds. And he's got a great arm ( no always accurate) so he can line a ball to his wr. The nfl needed him to make it big again to prove 2nd chances can be made into great stories.




Shouldn't u get off vick and worry about stafford and friends?

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As an Eagles fan, I'm slightly glad they got rid of McNabb. At least Vick isn't throwing 1 out of 4 passes into the ground. Don't worry Washington....that's comin. Along with the newer McNabb which still can't run like he use to due to his weight issues. So far, Vick looks good and he's gotta pretty good backup now :)
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It was pretty amazing watching his highlights the past couple weeks. I didn't think there was even the slightest chance that he'd come back from prison and be able to move anything like he could before it but he can. I haven't really watched ESPN since about 2007 so the little bits that I do watch don't bother me too much.
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