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PC Guys - Need help!


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Ok so i left earlier today to go run my friend somewhere, finish that, come home and the PC is acting funny. Heres a breakdown of what happened/what i did.


Was playing some games before we left, everything worked fine. Shut my game off, etc all was good. Come home and my computers off (Not on standby which is odd). Try to turn the computer on and CPU fan spins, case fans spin, psu fans spin, i hear things doing stuff but nothing. Turned it off, unplugged the power cord, gave it a few minutes, tried it again and the same thing!


The pc powers on, but no BIOS, no POST, and no Beeps, and not even the 1 i normally get.


So i start unplugging things 1 by 1 (Hardware wise) and nothing got better. I ran it once trying everything and 1 by 1 nothing happened. Got down to MoBo + PSU + CPU and still, nothing. Powers on, but no error beeps or ANYTHING!


Pulled the CMOS bat and gave it time, still nothing.


I looked over the mobo and was not able to find any caps that looked blown, and burnt spots etc. Everything looked in order.


So to sum it up, PC is acting funny, will boot up but wont go to BIOS/POST/Give me Error Beeps or w/e there called. I tried it to run the pc every way possible (OnBoard Graphics, No Graphics, 1 ram stick, 2 ram sticks, etc) and down to just the pure Mobo-CPU-PSU and its still doing the same thing.




Im thinking its the motherboard but i would like to hear other opinions before i go spend money on a motherboard.



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motherboard would normally let you know when other components would go bad, but because it isn't, I'm leaning towards motherboard, but not ruling out power supply. Just because the fans spin doesn't mean all of the power rails on it are good.


I was thinking this too, or if it couldnt hold power under load, but the PC will start and idle? fine. It just... nothing. Just sits there... Itwas one thing if i was getting errors when i tried to do something that used a lot of power but trying to get to your BIOS.... Cmon lol

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i had a toshiba that did the same thing it was the hard drive wet out don't buy toshiba ever they suck need any more help e mail me or call 614-207-1093 Jason


a bad harddrive would still allow the PC to post, agreed PSU or motherboard.


what size PSU does the PC have?

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my rents computer did the same thing.

try the following:

> reseat memory into different slots. it works trust me.

> reseat video card, and other pci cards

> check all connections to mobo



replace power supply

replace motherboard

replace memory

replace video card


and yes, a bad video card can cause this error. happened to me with my gtx260.

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