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I Freak'n HATE spiders - Yes that's a Quarter $.25!


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And dude about the copyright thing, it's fuckin CR, and if someone posts an image of yours, be flattered someone likes your work. It's fucking annoying. You have no plan to be paid for that spider image right? Then do us a favor, forget the water mark. We know you like to take pics and you consider yourself a Photographer.


Ben? Ben ? Really ? Sounds like you have a spider in your panties. Being CR doesn't matter. There are thousands of lurkers on this site. Images end up all over and around the world and for me, I don't consider it flattering that someone would copy and paste my work regardless of MY intended use of said image.


By watermarking them if one does use them, I have more than sufficient grounds to go after them, their company, their ISP, etc...as the legal grounds of my image were clearly marked and violated.


I've twice successfully pulled $$ out of two different organizations here in the states for using an image without written permission. So in the end, I actually did make money on an image that I didn't intend to. Digital Watermark tracking is a beautiful thing.


Photography wise, considering I've had 50+ paid shoots thus far in 2010, I'd say, yes, I consider myself an Event Photographer. Mostly somewhat stuffy corporate stuff, but paid nonetheless. If it's annoying, you can always just skip the thread. :confused:

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heres one I had at my house a little while back. damn thning was massive. That tire its sitting on was an old shag tire from my truck (235/75/R15) the letters on the side wall are about 2.5-3inches tall. it was like a god damn tarantula.


btw sorry for the shitty pic, it was my old cell phone.

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Jeebus. Spiders are like little machines of Death. Not sure if you are aware, CR, but there is a specific region of our brain that is designed to make us afraid of spiders.






And in related news, Scientists have succesfully spliced the genes of spiders and...MUTHERFUCKING GOATS!




So, prepare yourself for the goat-spider apocalypse. Seriously, science? Lets mate terrifying little engines of death with animals that are damn near impossible to kill, live anywhere in the world, and EAT EVERYTHING THEY CAN GET TO!!! God dammit.

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Im going to have to learn an whole new slew of bugs once the fiance and I move to SC. We were down there last week and had what is commonly known as a Palmetto bug (big fucking cockroach) in our hotel room. Made the largest splat ive ever seen. Apparently they can fly around too?... Glad I didnt see that, and at least they dont bite supposedly
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Just a few thoughts.


Those super fast, long legged centipedes in your home are saving your ass. THey are voracious eaters of other insects including spiders. If you've never lived south of ohio or along the warmer coasts, you have nothing to compare. The amount of insects and spiders in my garage are next to nil whereas any other area I've lived in (especially out west - fuckin black widows are as common as flies) my garage was filled with spiders and other insects and digging thru boxes is never something you do absent mindedly. Yes, I know the cold weather helps a bit, but those centis are doing work. They are pretty much harmless to humans with a light sting to their bite. They are not aggressive however and if you're grabbing it, you deserve it. ;)


Spiders in your house:

If you cannot identify it, get rid of it. No use taking chances. If you can, I'd suggest at least letting it out. Better yet, find a nice clear container. I havce a large one gallon round container like you buy bulk cheap candy in. It's setup with a stick plant and some moss with soil. Most spiders I catch in the house that I don't want wandering around are put in there. It's the battledome. Not only does this take care of your spider problem but will allow you to observe and learn about that particular spider. It's not hard to at least learn about the more common spiders around your house and can help some of you learn to deal with the fear of the unknown plus you can learn what spiders are actually dangerous and which aren't.

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