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1911 Research

El Karacho1647545492

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Ive done my research and I am getting the Colt New Agent when I have the time and money. I dont want a full size 1911, I want something reliable and around that $4-700 area. Most can be picked up used around $500.



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  Mudflap$ said:
Ive done my research and I am getting the Colt New Agent when I have the time and money. I dont want a full size 1911, I want something reliable and around that $4-700 area. Most can be picked up used around $500.




i dont get it, is the red x where i'm supposed to aim?



jk, the New Agent looks nice but I'd rather have a fullsize, even for carry. I'm a big guy, I like big guns :bangbang:


edit: wow. I REALLY like the look of the R1. much simpler/cleaner than other 1911s I've seen.

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  Mudflap$ said:
Ive done my research and I am getting the Colt New Agent when I have the time and money. I dont want a full size 1911, I want something reliable and around that $4-700 area. Most can be picked up used around $500.



I like the gun, but don't get why it has no sights on it....

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  Mark said:
I like the gun, but don't get why it has no sights on it....


its obvious this is a gangsters gun. he was right handed, hench why you don't see the sights on the top or left side. The birdman sights were installed on the right side of the slide.



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All the issues I've heard of involving mechanical defects in Taurus products concerned their revolvers; I've yet to run into anyone who PERSONALLY experienced issues with their semi-autos. That said, Taurus has a well-earned reputation for absolute shitty-ness in customer service.
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  Avenger said:
All the issues I've heard of involving mechanical defects in Taurus products concerned their revolvers; I've yet to run into anyone who PERSONALLY experienced issues with their semi-autos. That said, Taurus has a well-earned reputation for absolute shitty-ness in customer service.


You have met your first then. The worst of the few I had was a PT92 that was only good for pistol whipping someone. I had the barrel, slide, trigger parts all replaced and it still had issues. The feed ramp was the worst ever... It was so pitted up after about 50 rounds that it would FTF 13 out of 15 rounds and it happened to BOTH factory barrels. I ended up selling it to a gunsmith friend that used it for parts.

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  Mark said:
You have met your first then. The worst of the few I had was a PT92 that was only good for pistol whipping someone. I had the barrel, slide, trigger parts all replaced and it still had issues. The feed ramp was the worst ever... It was so pitted up after about 50 rounds that it would FTF 13 out of 15 rounds and it happened to BOTH factory barrels. I ended up selling it to a gunsmith friend that used it for parts.


see this is the kinda feedback i was hoping to see to dissuade me from falling into taurus's alluring trap.

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my brother carries a base model Para Ordnance. Paid under $500 and loves it. I haven't shot it yet but we have similar opinions on handguns. I have been trying to decide between Para, RIA, and Springfield.
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So I went to Buckeye Outdoors (Vance's of Hebron) yesterday to buy a new 870, and I decided to wander over to the 1911 display. I didn't finger fuck the R1 once I saw its price tag ($800 or $900 I forget). The ATI was $350 and it felt like a nice, solid gun. It's HEAVY though, compared to my RIA. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
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  copperhead said:
So I went to Buckeye Outdoors (Vance's of Hebron) yesterday to buy a new 870, and I decided to wander over to the 1911 display. I didn't finger fuck the R1 once I saw its price tag ($800 or $900 I forget). The ATI was $350 and it felt like a nice, solid gun. It's HEAVY though, compared to my RIA. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


$800 for the R1?? They're all over gunbroker for <$700 NIB

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Rock Island Armory if you're into the base model pricing. Trust me, they're world's ahead of Springy. Do not get yourself a modern GI model. They suck pretty bad if you don't know what you're doing and want to mod it.


If you can find a Colt for $599 that would be my first choice.


Keep the cash, add to it, be patient and you will find what you want. Do not rush!

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  Avenger said:
All the issues I've heard of involving mechanical defects in Taurus products concerned their revolvers; I've yet to run into anyone who PERSONALLY experienced issues with their semi-autos. That said, Taurus has a well-earned reputation for absolute shitty-ness in customer service.


You've never asked me. I have seen 10x more issues with their semi auto's than with their revolvers. Neither are great, but the semi's just plain suck dirty hole.

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  Mark said:
I like the gun, but don't get why it has no sights on it....


It's a CCW gun, designed for 15 feet or less. NO SNAG = milled sights down the slide. Plus, when you put it in someone's mouth you don't get it stuck in their teef.


I should have just quoted everyone at once.

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To add a little to Greg's comments on the new G.I editions, the sights on these guns are archeic and trash. It's pretty difficult to find the front sight post on these weapons. I've shot a few, and never cared for them in the least bit. You'll see here:


Reproduction WWI era guns, that were similar to the 1918 model Colt made.

Out of the box, the Remington is a leap ahead:


Now again, not sure if you plan to take it out of the box and shoot it, or later on send it out for some work. Thought I'd toss that out there for some reference.

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