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The cars in 20years?


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If we have cars that drive themselves, what would happen to CR?


It would be the day I would finally fulfill my childhood dream and get a pilot license. P-51 Mustang here I come. Barrel rolls at 10,000 feet for $20 who is with me?

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The day I people can't control technology will be the day I start destroying it.


Right now they are working on cars that have safety mechanisms that help prevent accidents where people are unaware of the surrounding of the vehicle just like in many cars they have backup cameras, backup sensors that tell you how close you are to something. ABS was also a technological change which seems to have a benefit. Airbag technology has improved as well over the years, along with numerous other positive technological advances. Cars offering bluetooth connectivity and voice command radio is also another way to help vehicle safety. About the issues with people texting...phone technology has also increased. On android phones they have a speech to text technology that is quite impressive and even those with lisps can use it fairly accurately.


I used to text while I drove sometimes, also used to hold the phone when people called. For the past 2 years I have been using bluetooth in the car and love it, I still can keep both hands on the wheel. But still conversing on the phone is a distraction in itself. I have seen people get frustrated on the phone and take their hands of the wheel making gestures, just like they were talking to the person in front of them, at that point the person IMO is no longer considered as driving as they aren't keeping their mind at the task at hand...which should be driving.


I hate talking on the phone when driving, cause well, I don't like talking on the phone when driving, I don't want to be the one causing the accident just as much as I don't want to be in an accident period. It is also why I speed out of groups of cars without regard to speed limits. I hate being surrounded by other drivers as I do not trust Ohio Drivers or any other driver for that matter.

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Ya don't get me wrong I still love to drive and race, but It would be nice after working a 16hr shift just get in your car and say home and just pass out till you get there. Will always be nice if just started your new job on first shift and your use to second shift for 10+years. So there pros and cons on the whole new car features
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