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you won't like it, its not open source..HAHAHAHAH


I just bought it, haven't played it yet. I read a review that said it wasnt as good as Halo Reach....FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU


I dunno, I liked BC2, I think I'll like it. Probably won't play it after GT5 and Black Ops comes out.

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Played with a. group on modern warfare yesterday that said 8 of them bought it together and then 7 of them returned it about an hour later. But of course they were probably big modern warfare fanboys Edited by Benner
thank you android auto correct
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It's basically BC2 with a little bit of MW2 thrown in there. I like it, it's a good game, still a couple of bugs in it, it actually froze my console once, and it will momentarily freeze at times. I had a good time playing online, and single player is pretty cool too. They definitely tried to mimic MW2 in some cases, like an ATV level and air support level.


Tier 1 is a pretty cool play mode also, it's basically single player but online where you compete and compare against other players how well you played a single player level.

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You guys are crazy...BC2 is one of the best FPS I have ever played. MOH however, is lacking online. I am going to keep playing o see if it gets any better, but it was pissing me off lastnight. I started the campaign and that story started pretty sweet. The graphics are great...just something about the game play that I cannot put my finger on...
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I really like it. It's not as good as MW2 overall, but it's definitely a lot more realistic, it's harder to aim and weapons have more realistic recoil, not like the laser guns they have in MW2. Best of all, no 10ft knifing distance an gay ass heartbeat sensors. With it being more realistic I can see not a whole lot of people liking it, especially if they have gotten used to MW2. I will probably never play MW2 again, I'll play this until black ops comes out.
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Well if you guys want to unload a ps3 version I have $40 with your name on it. Let me know.

I'm glad to see a game depart from the unrealistic accuracy and recoil of MW2 guns, and lame-ass 'commando > rifle' gameplay. I can't believe COD still doesn't have destructible environments!

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