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VIR last weekend!

Dr. Apex

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I just made my first visit to VIR last weekend, what an amazing track!! It's far more challenging than Mid-Ohio though that will always be my home track. I can see why it was picked one of the top 5 road courses in America, with the large elevation changes, high speeds, and the climbing esses are just heaven!!


I decided to run in HPDE 2 so I could receive some instruction on the line and work on adjustments to that and what to watch out for, well worth it as the group 2 has some good speed out there and just trying to take it all in at first was tough.


Though I can get by with what I have at M-O this track was a lot to ask for with a near stock Mustang, the Carbotech pads held up well but with just the factory 11in brakes it was too much speed for them to haul the car down fast enough amd the suspension was overwhelmed at the approach to the roller coaster and the Hog pen with the elevation changes. Also the BFG all seasons are dying and forced me back onto the momentum line as I was plowing in some places and then the car wanted to do burnouts leaving turn 1 and 11 onto the back straight.


I'll definitely be heading back there next year and hopefully I can get some folks to come with as it's just too much fun!!


I have some updated pics in my albums and working on getting the video up soon.

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I just made my first visit to VIR last weekend, what an amazing track!! It's far more challenging than Mid-Ohio though that will always be my home track. I can see why it was picked one of the top 5 road courses in America, with the large elevation changes, high speeds, and the climbing esses are just heaven!!


I decided to run in HPDE 2 so I could receive some instruction on the line and work on adjustments to that and what to watch out for, well worth it as the group 2 has some good speed out there and just trying to take it all in at first was tough.


Though I can get by with what I have at M-O this track was a lot to ask for with a near stock Mustang, the Carbotech pads held up well but with just the factory 11in brakes it was too much speed for them to haul the car down fast enough amd the suspension was overwhelmed at the approach to the roller coaster and the Hog pen with the elevation changes. Also the BFG all seasons are dying and forced me back onto the momentum line as I was plowing in some places and then the car wanted to do burnouts leaving turn 1 and 11 onto the back straight.


I'll definitely be heading back there next year and hopefully I can get some folks to come with as it's just too much fun!!


I have some updated pics in my albums and working on getting the video up soon.

As soon as I get back to road racing, this will be one of my first stops. The place looks beautiful and the track very challenging.

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Rich, it is georgeous and a tough place. It's a bit hard to commit to places like turn 10 as it's completely blind and the back straight crest you are completely reliant on the corner station worker to make sure you have a clear track ahead there at 130+ mph!!
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Rich, it is georgeous and a tough place. It's a bit hard to commit to places like turn 10 as it's completely blind and the back straight crest you are completely reliant on the corner station worker to make sure you have a clear track ahead there at 130+ mph!!

Ben, the weenie cars that I race would only hit 130+ if they were dropped out of a very high altitude airplane.


My motto is "Never race what you can't afford to write off!". Hence, my preference for disposable cars.


Grattan has a TON of blind turns although none are all that fast.

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Rich, 130 wouldn't be bad except for the weenie car sized brakes on my car, despite the great pads and ducts to keep them cool they are just not enough for that track. Either I need a disposable car next year, a more capable car, or some serious upgrades to the Mustang!


No Ariel Atoms though I saw signs for them, would love to finally see one in person.

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