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I was ran off the freeway tonight, any witnesses out there?


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There really does need to be more enforcement of asshole drivers. Tailgating, cutting people off, no turn signal and just being reckless in general. For some people, that's everytime they are behind the wheel. That's just how they drive. I call 1800grabdui several times a year to report drunks and asshole drivers.


Good call with the family in the car. That had to of been madening. I was mad for you, just reading it. Don't fucking threaten my loved ones with your shitty actions. That's just the rule. Hope this gets the resolve you want.

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we almost get run off the road multiple times a month...i think it's rednecks/dumbasses that are jealous of someone with a nice car....or the fact that it's a foreign car....or the fact that we are in a tiny car and they have a giant truck that makes them feel like they have the right to do whatever they want...


and almost always, we have the kids in the car...seriously...wtf!? one time, my fiance actually had a gun pulled on him up here on the north side of columbus and my oldest daughter was in the car with him!!

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  • 5 weeks later...

His insurance progressive paid to have my car fixed.

I also enjoyed a rental car during the repairs.

He still denys that anything happened, although progressive confirmed the damage on his truck matches mine...no hit and run if you don't know you hit someone....


Thanks to who gave me negative reps saying it was my fault.

Can i see who did that?

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His insurance progressive paid to have my car fixed.

I also enjoyed a rental car during the repairs.

He still denys that anything happened, although progressive confirmed the damage on his truck matches mine...no hit and run if you don't know you hit someone....


Thanks to who gave me negative reps saying it was my fault.

Can i see who did that?



I checked you reps and didn't see any recent ones.

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Glad the family is OK. Kudos to you for not loosing your head since you had other people in the car. I hope justice is served.




When I'm driving with my wife and our 8 month old daughter in the car and something like this happens, I find it extremely hard to stop fighting the feelings to lash out and lose it. I never have acted on my feelings nor will I (Love my two babies too much!), but the thoughts that cross my mind aren't the most pleasant to say the least. I go into Dad attack and protect mode.


I commend you for staying cool headed. I'm glad to hear that the insurance company is helping you out. Justice has partially been served. Now if only some repercussion could happen to the fuck that started it all.


+Rep for you sir.

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