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tmobile users


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I always have coverage everywhere I go. Look at the coverage map, you'll see that 3g is limited pretty much to inside 270 and a few miles outside. When you do get 3g though it's typically hsdpa and fast as balls. If you like to kick it in the country its not for you.


I recommend them because they are cheap, flexible and have great customer service with a fast network

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I get service everywhere even in the forest at wayne. A lot of it has to do with your phone too. Had a old samsung sucked balls for coverage.but got a razor an it was awesome so don't cheap out on a phone.


Had them for 7 years now an anytime I've had an issue there customer service has been outstanding to work with.



Oh and no carrier can beat my plan for the price


1500 min

Unlimited mobile to mobile

Nights and weekends unlimited.

Unblimited Data email internet text ect 62 bucks with tax

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shit paul you are getting a steal!


looks like on their site they are promo-ing $59.99 for 500 mins, unlimited sext/data, etc, no mention of night weekends, and looks like a $10 upcharge per month for smartphones. Id definately be getting a g2, so thats a necessity. might just have to go into a store.

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ive been on t-mobile for about 2 years now, and what the fuck paul, how are you getting it that cheap?


i pay 80 for 300 minutes, free nights and weekends, unlimited data.


what the hell is this 1500, and free mobile to mobile, with unlimited data for 62$????


could i call and complain about this and get a refund for the money ive spent getting less than this?


back OT:


tmobile coverage within franklin county is awesome. 3g most places. however, like chris said, anything outside the belt your data speed will deminish. let me draw a map for you of what coverage is actually like.



Customer service is good. never had to call them once, but to replace a phone that i bricked trying to root it. haha.

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I'm on unlimited nights and weekends, 1000 minutes for $39.99 and then Android Unlimited Web and Messages for $34.99. Adds up to $71.80 with tax.


All new android phones will come with free wifi calling, not sure if the G2 falls underneath that, but you'll also be able to wifi tether for free.



I just did the math and my bill doesnt add up...wtf I just copied that from their app. That's usually how much I pay, but those are the prices they give me for my plan.

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I don't remember what my monthly bill is, but I think it's pretty comparable to Paul's. Then again, my family has been with the company since they were called VoiceStream so maybe that has something to do with it. Like others mentioned, coverage is pretty decent in Columbus. It's really sketchy outside of the state though.


Customer service is fantastic, and the main reason I've always stuck with them. Whenever I have an issue with one of my phones, they are really easy to deal with and won't hesitate to get you an upgrade, or replace your phone and extend your warranty for free.

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Local coverage is pretty good. When I take trips to D.C. I do lose service every now and than in the high mountain areas.


I pay right around $76 with tax and fees included for 2 lines with 700 minutes and unlimited data.


Tell them you go to school at OSU and they'll give you like 17% off your bill or something like that

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