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Military Officer calls Obama an "imposter"


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I side with the officer that proof should be provided, just to be sure :lol:. I think however that he might have gone about it the wrong way for being an officer and could get a lot of flak for it or even charged. I want to see it!

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I want to see Tomcat's official birth certificate too. I don't know if he's fit to "lead the thread." He may be an illegal. An OR.net member imposter and usurper. In fact I know Tomcat isn't his given birth name....

:nono: Show me in the OR rules where it says you have to be a natural born US citizen to start/lead a thread :rulez:


Edited by Fonzie
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I guess my only question is if Obama is truly a US citizen and has nothing to hide, why won't he prove it? Why won't he just make his original birth certificate public? I'm not saying I believe he's not a US citizen, I'm simply saying it sure would be an easy way to put this whole thing to rest. From what I've read, he's only ever made public a copy of his birth certificate.


Then there's always Snopes: http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp

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That's not enough? When has it been a requirement to present the actual document? The Hawaiian paper on his birth date even lists the birth. Snopes claims that people who have seen the original say the copy is valid.

So..when is enough, enough?

I don't (and didn't) see people asking for McCain's birth cert. He was born in Panama, by the way. And all he's provided is a COPY. Oh and by the way, there's no record of his birth there.

This anti-obama shit is getting out of hand.

Edited by InyaAzz
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Why? He a friend of yours?

Again, whatever gets you hard at night.

It's obvious..if you look at both candidates, that McCain had more issues with his birth cert than Obama did. But for some reason, people fixated on him. i have my own thoughts on 'why', but it really doesn't matter. All that matters is, people like to present one side of whatever story furthers their agenda. On both sides. I can guarantee you that you or whoever else wants to 'see proof' from Obama, would not be saying that if McCain had won. Obviously, everyone can deny that because McCain lost...but I'd be willing to bet my next paycheck I'm right. It's not the nature of the left..or the right..it's human nature.

More sheep..more FUD.

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The question has been asked and answered. Apparently sufficient enough that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the case. Until someone can come up with standing for the court to address this issue it is a non starter.

Lets not get it twisted enough to think that the question about the citizenship of the two former candidates is equal. McCain was not born in the U.S. but he was born to two U.S. citizens who happened to be out of the country at their country’s request, end of question, no debate, he is a citizen. Obama was not born to two U.S. citizens, and possibly not in the country. McCain gets a pass no matter where he is born because of his circumstances; Obama can be questioned because under certain circumstances he has the possibility to not be a citizen. These are two totally different circumstances that are not on equal footing.

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The question has been asked and answered. Apparently sufficient enough that the Supreme Court has declined to hear the case. Until someone can come up with standing for the court to address this issue it is a non starter.

Lets not get it twisted enough to think that the question about the citizenship of the two former candidates is equal. McCain was not born in the U.S. but he was born to two U.S. citizens who happened to be out of the country at their country’s request, end of question, no debate, he is a citizen. Obama was not born to two U.S. citizens, and possibly not in the country. McCain gets a pass no matter where he is born because of his circumstances; Obama can be questioned because under certain circumstances he has the possibility to not be a citizen. These are two totally different circumstances that are not on equal footing.

He was not possibly born in this country? Huh? He provided a copy of his birth cert, there is a record of the local paper in Hawaii of his birth on that day...and he's possibly not born here? Come on. McCain doesn't even HAVE a record of his birth in Panama!! Not to mention the whole "President must be 'naturally born" thing. "under certain circumstances"? that's like saying if the moons align properly, McCain COULD be an alien.

Now, I don't doubt McCain at all, but I don't have a reason to doubt Obama either. How can someone say 'he possibly wasn't born here'? How much more proof do you need?

Actually, I could care less how much proof anyone needs, because he's our president for the next four years.

Edited by InyaAzz
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I'm not a closet racist....but the doubt is there that he may have been born somewhere else especially with hawaii's reputation for giving birth certificates indiscriminately...or so it is said. This kind of information is the right of the people, anyone who has the gaul and the strength to ask these kind of questions brings about the basis of our government. The people need to control the government, not the other way around. If there is doubt, on anything, by anyone, the people need to know or find out the truth because they are in government by our permission. If inquires like this are just thrown aside, that have serious clout, then the government takes another step towards autonomy. The people have the right to make sure the government is doing the right thing. (unless the release of such information is vital to national security)

and i know that someone is going to say "who determines what is right and wrong?" and to that I say:bigfinger: because the right thing is very clear to the majority of people.

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What part of asked and answered didn’t you understand? You said McCain had more problems with this matter than Obama did which is absolutely not true. In McCain’s case under no circumstance given who his birth parents are could he not have been a citizen. In Obama’s case this is not true. Simple to understand, Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen and his mother was not working for the government on assignment out of the country at the time. If he was not born in the U.S. he would not have been a citizen who would qualify to be president. This was a perfectly reasonable question to have been raised. Before you want to go back on about what more proof do you need READ asked and answered again.

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