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Military Officer calls Obama an "imposter"


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Except there is no real reason to believe he wasn't born in the US (Hawaii). Like Inya said he has provided a copy AND there is birth announcement in a news paper.

If we want to stretch things I want DNA proof that McCain's father is really his father and not a non-US citizen. As a matter of fact if we're going to stretch things I say we demand DNA tests to prove lineage of any public servant that has a birth requirement.

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If it was in question, and you had reasonable doubt in the validity of it, and you weren't doing it to just stretch things, then yes I would say you have a reason to do it. However the testing of all public servants would be way to much...which is what they government has been doing in the past few decades.

If one thing goes wrong, take it to the extreme to make sure it doesn't happen again. Anyone in the military can attest to this with "safety" protocols such as "ground guides" for vehicles, and how at school of infantry (for example), machine gunners cannot ride in the turret of the HMMWVs for training anymore because one kid busted his mouth open on the gun.

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What part of asked and answered didn’t you understand? You said McCain had more problems with this matter than Obama did which is absolutely not true. In McCain’s case under no circumstance given who his birth parents are could he not have been a citizen. In Obama’s case this is not true. Simple to understand, Obama’s father was not a U.S. citizen and his mother was not working for the government on assignment out of the country at the time. If he was not born in the U.S. he would not have been a citizen who would qualify to be president. This was a perfectly reasonable question to have been raised. Before you want to go back on about what more proof do you need READ asked and answered again.

Calm down grumpy. My statement was in reference to being President of the United States. You know, the whole 'naturally born' issue? There is NO birth record of McCain in Panama. Fact. That's one issue. Plus, if you want to look at the constitution, it says the president has to be naturally born. Now, you can argue this either way. That's not my point whether or not he fits the bill. My point is, you can bring up just as many questions about McCain as you can Obama.

Yes, we all know about Obama's parents..but he was born in the US. End of story. The question was raised, and it was answered. The supreme court doesn't think it's an issue. What more proof does everyone want?

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I'm not a closet racist....but the doubt is there that he may have been born somewhere else especially with hawaii's reputation for giving birth certificates indiscriminately...or so it is said. This kind of information is the right of the people, anyone who has the gaul and the strength to ask these kind of questions brings about the basis of our government. The people need to control the government, not the other way around. If there is doubt, on anything, by anyone, the people need to know or find out the truth because they are in government by our permission. If inquires like this are just thrown aside, that have serious clout, then the government takes another step towards autonomy. The people have the right to make sure the government is doing the right thing. (unless the release of such information is vital to national security)

and i know that someone is going to say "who determines what is right and wrong?" and to that I say:bigfinger: because the right thing is very clear to the majority of people.

people inquired, and he provided proof. So, how far does he have to go to prove it? What he provided wasn't enough? So everyone born in Hawaii needs to go the extra mile to prove their citizenship?

I agree the the POTUS needs to be vetted properly, but exactly when do we get to the point where everyone is satisfied? I'll answer that...never.

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we (as a country) will never be satisfied, but that's why i put in the "have serious clout". I think that it should not only be for the POTUS, but the rest of the government. I dont want oversight that limits the government, but i want people to be aware that they have the power to ask questions and if necessary effect the government. Questions like this are the rights we are given. The government by law has to answer questions that aren't deemed dangerous.

It may sound like a bunch of liberal hooey, but i think the South had the right to secede, not over slavery, but over state's rights. They had the right to rebel. Granted the whole slavery thing kinda screwed them in the end and overshadowed the states rights issue.

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First.... +1 for www.adultsheepfinder.com Met my future ex-wife there.

This is nothing new, exactly, but it will still be funny if he gets yanked from office for being illegal... He has gone too far out of his way to hide and obscure the truth, which leads me to believe that it is because he really is not a citizen. This, of course, will lead to a very amusing downfall for Comrade Obama.

And I wasn't real amused serving Clinton, but I would HATE to salute this ass. All socialists should be ejected from the country, not saluted, ever. Go live in a real socialist economy, like North Korea, bastards. Men serve and die for this country to prevent communists and socialists like Obama and Sen. Clinton from taking it over. Making us salute them is an insult.

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North Korea isn't socialist. They are Communist. Britain is socialist. There is a difference. It doesn't take much to close the gap but there is definitely a difference. Both suck as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, yeah, Socialism is economic, Communism is government. They are not exactly interchangeable, and can exist independently. My problem is that they stink of the same brand of evil, and thus I tend to lump them together... More accurately I should argue Collectivism vs Objectivism, but most people wouldn't follow... Easier to just play the socialist/communist vs capitalist card.

Blame the USSR and my growing up during the Cold War... (Oh, and Ayn Rand.)


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Methinks thou doth protesteth too much.

Don’t call me grumpy, you would be grumpy to if you could only type with one hand because the other was scratching your herpes infested junk.

I literally spit my lunch out on my screen. Thanks for the best laugh I've had in a while.

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Or you could argue Movers and Takers but I don't think there are enough Men of the Mind on this board to follow the thread.

Or Producers and Non-Producers... Remind me to buy you a beer some time... (and anyone else who actually gets it)

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Did you even read the article to take my post in context?

You said "He should get his ass handed to him just for his comments." I don't need to read anything for context. Those words are concrete. You disagree with his opinion, and feel he should be silenced. I disagree with plenty of BS plenty of people say, but the first ammendment of the Bill of Rights says we have the right to voice our opinons, whether they be popular or not. I greatly disagree with your comment for instance... but I believe in your right to say it.

And for the record, People shouldn't have to ask the United States President twice to see his birth certificate if there is ANY question about it. As president you should be an open book, and didn't Obama campain on an "Open government" policy way back even before he had his birth certificate sealed by the courts? I never really understood why he would give the opposition such ammo as to publically hide it like that... but whatever.

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