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joaquin phoenix now a rapper

kawi kid

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if any of you caugh him on letterman in feb. he stated he is taking time off to work on "his music"

here is the vid of him on letterman. he is obviously stoned outta his head and david reallly gives him a bunch of shit. its pretty funny!


but here it is. the new face of hip-hop!!!



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  InyaAzz said:
This is all a joke. He's filiming a 'documentary'. Everyone involved with his appearances, even the letterman show, had to sign NDA's.

It's a joke people. He's not for real.

I hope that you are right. White people shouldn't rap. Em is the only one capable of pulling it off.

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  SAMBUSA said:
I hope that you are right. White people shouldn't rap. Em is the only one capable of pulling it off.

it's 100% fake. At first, I thought maybe he had gone Heath Ledger, but I did some digging. When he was on Lettermen, he had his own camera crew there. Everyone he encountered had to sign NDA's. This is just a 'project' to him. Actually, if you do some digging, you find out a day or so before Letterman he was kicking it somewhere, acting normal.

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