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Who does Brock fight next?


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a rematch with Shane Carwin or a fight with Roy Nelson

whoever wins that fight in January


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one things for sure though, Junior Dos Santos does NOT deserve the next fight against Cain, he barely beat Roy Nelson

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Lesner's not going away. He's the new standard, and evolution has brought a new champ. I didn't see the focus that I have seen in his other fights. I didn't see anything "Wrong", I just didn't see that "I'm going to eat your face" that has been there before. His conditioning looked good. But that's what he prides himself on, so of course it will be in check at all times.


Who will he fight? Hell, Dana's in some shit hole corner of the world right now sponsering underdogs to bring up, so who know. How long before they put Ladel back in to go for the title again?


And was it just me, or did Teto get his bottom spanked?

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yeah lidel will not come back in the ufc. to many head injuries, dana dosen't want to deal with the backlash if something were to happen to him.


tito did get beat up, but I though he looked a lot better than his last fight. Hamil is no slouch....

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wtf do you know anything about this sport? chuck just got his ass beat like 4 times in a row and retired. he gets destroyed by light heavy weight scrubs on the regular.


Maybe I didn't make it clear with saying it the way I did. My point was there's always going to be someone they bring back as a wonder fight. I know he has been losing and his game is long gone. But just like Dana searching the corners of the earth for an unknown, they will play the "guy who once was" card too. Chuck is someone who fits that bill.


And I know we are talking about a "Sport". But if you decide you want to "Play" it sometime, this "old man" is game. No keyboards, just mats. But we've had this talk before.

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Maybe I didn't make it clear with saying it the way I did. My point was there's always going to be someone they bring back as a wonder fight. I know he has been losing and his game is long gone. But just like Dana searching the corners of the earth for an unknown, they will play the "guy who once was" card too. Chuck is someone who fits that bill.


And I know we are talking about a "Sport". But if you decide you want to "Play" it sometime, this "old man" is game. No keyboards, just mats. But we've had this talk before.


Overlooking the fact that such a match-up would never happen, Dana wouldn't let Chuck fight again even if Chuck wanted to

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Maybe I didn't make it clear with saying it the way I did. My point was there's always going to be someone they bring back as a wonder fight. I know he has been losing and his game is long gone. But just like Dana searching the corners of the earth for an unknown, they will play the "guy who once was" card too. Chuck is someone who fits that bill.


And I know we are talking about a "Sport". But if you decide you want to "Play" it sometime, this "old man" is game. No keyboards, just mats. But we've had this talk before.


Randy Couture is someone who they can call up to fight still, not Chuck. Chuck can barely defend himself.

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After thinking about it, I bet Brock isnt even fully healed after what he went through with his immune system ordeal. My prediction is that they throw him maybe a one or two scrubs, he destroys them while fully healing and comes back stronger.


if brock loses another fight like he did saturday his future will consist of fighting big country weekly at carnie shows for deepfried pickles and cotton candy

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if brock loses another fight like he did saturday his future will consist of fighting big country weekly at carnie shows for deepfried pickles and cotton candy


only lost 1 fight...by dumb luck of some el mehican. It wont happen again. If Dana White had the same philosophy as you, half the fucking UFC would be gone.

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