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Tim Lovette-Public Adjuster


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OK, as many of you know, I was in a car accident on the night of 9/10/2010 in which a lady ran a red light and t-boned my car, totaling it. Their initial offer on the car was $2751. I said, “no way. The car is worth far more than that and I cannot replace this particular car for even close to that.” Even though I submitted an almost exact comparable (same year, color, options, mileage), they refused to recognize it as it was on e-bay. So I continued to have conversations with them, submitting $4k in receipts for the car as well as arguing stock to stock value. After 3 weeks I was able to get an offer up to $3000 with a salvage value of $193.62. Still not good enough for me.


From there I heard of a public adjuster named Timothy Lovette. Tim works as an adjuster for an insurance company but also on the side works as a public adjuster on total loss cases such as mine to get people more money. This case was much harder than he thought it would be as the at fault insurance company was fighting back tooth and nail. Finally, after 3 weeks of him working on this, he was able to get the property damage settlement offer up to $4533.67! So by me investing $250 in his services, and being patient, he was able to get me $1533.67 more than I was able to get for myself due to his experience in the field. I am EXTREMELY pleased with my experience working with Mr. Lovette and would recommend him to anyone dealing with a total loss situation who feels they are getting taken advantage of on the value of their vehicle. Tim’s contact info is:


Timothy Lovette



Edited by RC K9
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I'm glad all the hard work finally paid off.


Hard work is right ha ha. Patience and persistence paid off..well somewhat I guess. A year of actual labor down the drain but Tim was able to far exceed my expectations when it came to what I thought we would get offered.

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Always fight for 'proper value'


You just had some other guy do it for you. Smart :thumbup:


I spent 3 weeks myself and was unable to get past the $3,000 offer. I don't know the system well enough to know how to take it further so that's why I found it to be a sound investment to hire someone in the field.

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thats awsome there is someone out there that dose that. was that through your insurance company or hers? did he have it appraised?


It was her insurance company that paid up. I had actually had an independent appraisal by Dan "Boots".


Right now Tim just does it on the side but hopes to grow. I am extremely pleased with the level of customer service I received.

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