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Line2 for Ipod? Apple peeps?


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It says it will turn an Ipod touch into a phone for 10 bucks a month with unlimited calling and text... how does ti work?


Voice over IP, you must be connected to WiFi for the touch to work. I guess an iPhone could use it if you ran out of minutes, you could switch to that app and run phone calls over 3G.

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Yes, but it won't be CELLULAR service. You must be connected to wifi to make calls and receive texts. The phone features would not work on the road, at the grocery store, or at your friends house where you don't know the wireless network key.


It would work at home, at the office, or anywhere with an open internet connection.


Too bad though.... I'd love to disconnect from verizon. $80 a month just hurts

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It will be phone over wifi only, meaning you always need to be connected to a wifi network.


If you use an iTouch, you'll also have to have a Bluetooth headset paired to it as well so you can speak back to the caller.


Plenty of other similar products out there like this. Might as well just use Skype for free.

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