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Go vote!


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I have the right to bitch that they didn't give me any good options to vote for.


Actually if you want to really get down to brass tacks here, I have the right to bitch about my government by virtue of being a US citizen. It's one of the ideals that our country was founded on. But feel free to have a different opinion. That's another right that's allowed in this country.


This and...


I'm sure he was taught a new meaning for a "dangling chad."



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I have the right to bitch that they didn't give me any good options to vote for.


Actually if you want to really get down to brass tacks here, I have the right to bitch about my government by virtue of being a US citizen. It's one of the ideals that our country was founded on. But feel free to have a different opinion. That's another right that's allowed in this country.


My point. On a local level if I am given something or someone worth voting for, I may vaote because whether or not I will make a difference I would like to try, as far as a national election/presidential...I have no intention of ever kidding myself that my vote is going to make the slightest difference in who gets elected.

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If you don't coach the Buckeyes you give up your right to bitch about how they play.


If you don't work for an auto manufacturer you give up your right to bitch about whether or not the "good cars" are brought to America.


If you're not a DS in a school system you give up your right to bitch about the education problems in our country.


If you don't bake the donuts you give up the right to bitch about how there is never enough cream in them.


If you don't work for the bank you give up the right to bitch about their rates.


If you don't work for Exxon you give up the right to bitch about gas prices.


If you don't pave the roads you give up the right to bitch about potholes.


If you don't manage Nickelback you give up the right to bitch about how terrible they are.


If you don't pay for CR you give up the right to bitch about it being better.


Oh wait...this is America. You have the right to bitch about anything at anytime no matter your level of involvement. I almost forgot. My bad.


Difference is.......elections are the PEOPLE speaking and choosing who to represent them in an "Elected" posistion. When you have the "Right" to vote for an representive to speak for you and carry out and govern laws/ ensure the people's interest is seen and heard.


You don't elect any of the items/posistion's you speak of. When the People are "given the right to choose" AND YOU DO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND EXERCISE THAT RIGHT IT DOES GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BITCH.


If you choose to just sit on the sidelines and let everyone else do the work for you!! THEN YOU GIVE UP THAT RIGHT.


Since you clearly don't get it.......If you are given a chance for your voice to be heard and do not take that chance you give up your right to bitch! If you are given no chance at all for your voice to be heard you have a bitch factor.


Yes you can express your opnion, but don't bitch if you didn't exercise your right to vote and now shit aint'going your way.


Don't be like the thousands of people who were in there 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's who voted for the first time in there life because a canidate was of a certain race, religion or color and that was your main driving force to vote.


Vote and you have earned the right to bitch all you want........Don't Vote? then STFU


Don't forget many Americans died to give you this right.......and many others are still dying trying to gain this right. Don't take it for granted.

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Difference is.......elections are the PEOPLE speaking and choosing who to represent them in an "Elected" posistion. When you have the "Right" to vote for an representive to speak for you and carry out and govern laws/ ensure the people's interest is seen and heard.


You don't elect any of the items/posistion's you speak of. When the People are "given the right to choose" AND YOU DO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND EXERCISE THAT RIGHT IT DOES GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BITCH.


If you choose to just sit on the sidelines and let everyone else do the work for you!! THEN YOU GIVE UP THAT RIGHT.


Since you clearly don't get it.......If you are given a chance for your voice to be heard and do not take that chance you give up your right to bitch! If you are given no chance at all for your voice to be heard you have a bitch factor.


Yes you can express your opnion, but don't bitch if you didn't exercise your right to vote and now shit aint'going your way.


Don't be like the thousands of people who were in there 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's who voted for the first time in there life because a canidate was of a certain race, religion or color and that was your main driving force to vote.


Vote and you have earned the right to bitch all you want........Don't Vote? then STFU


Don't forget many Americans died to give you this right.......and many others are still dying trying to gain this right. Don't take it for granted.


AMEN to the above. Now I need to get off my ass and get to work today because if I don't I will not have the right to bitch about the lazy asses that do not work and just collect checks from the gov.

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Not voting IS a vote. When you take a multiple choice quiz, and option d is "none of the above", you are choosing exactly that...none of your options, but it is STILL a concious effort at stating none of the options provided to you were the right option and that, you certainly can complain and bitch about. Give me someone worth voting for, and I shall vote. Give me garbage then tell me to STFU because I choose not to vote for garbage, you STFU. Plain and simple.
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Not voting IS a vote. When you take a multiple choice quiz, and option d is "none of the above", you are choosing exactly that...none of your options, but it is STILL a concious effort at stating none of the options provided to you were the right option and that, you certainly can complain and bitch about. Give me someone worth voting for, and I shall vote. Give me garbage then tell me to STFU because I choose not to vote for garbage, you STFU. Plain and simple.


I don't know what your ballot looked like but mine was 4 pages. I did not vote on every section. Things where there was only 1 option or no one I liked were left blank. However, I find it hard to believe there was not 1 single person or topic that you could find worth voting for. Possible...maybe, hard to believe....VERY! At the very least I would assume there were local issues such as levies, liquor license, etc. that you would either have a yes or no opinion on.

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Difference is.......elections are the PEOPLE speaking and choosing who to represent them in an "Elected" posistion. When you have the "Right" to vote for an representive to speak for you and carry out and govern laws/ ensure the people's interest is seen and heard.


And do the people you vote for ever hold 100% of their promises? Didn't think so.


You don't elect any of the items/posistion's you speak of. When the People are "given the right to choose" AND YOU DO GET OFF YOUR ASS AND EXERCISE THAT RIGHT IT DOES GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BITCH.


Um....no. We have the right to bitch because we are free. Whether we vote or not we can say whatever we want. Also, reread. I DID vote. I'm just also a proponent for the free speech and opinions of those who choose not to. Why am I wrong in wanting them to freely speak their mind in this country?


If you choose to just sit on the sidelines and let everyone else do the work for you!! THEN YOU GIVE UP THAT RIGHT.


No we don't. The "right" isn't something we get handed after we vote. There is no "Right to Bitch License" they hand you after you're finished.


Since you clearly don't get it.......


Again, "unless you disagree with us...". Clearly I'm an idiot for having my own opinion.


If you are given a chance for your voice to be heard and do not take that chance you give up your right to bitch! If you are given no chance at all for your voice to be heard you have a bitch factor.


Again, "since clearly you don't get it.......", our freedom of speech is not dependent upon voting. Freedom is freedom. It's not contingent on anything. That's the right set forth by "those who died before us." If you don't understand that go back to the third grade and study your rights.


Yes you can express your opnion, but don't bitch if you didn't exercise your right to vote and now shit aint'going your way.


Again, (I'm getting tired of typing that so from now on "Nutty Bars" = "Again") my freedom of speech and opinion cannot be removed by you or anyone else. I can choose to not vote then go stand on Pennsylvania Ave. with big signs and protest. I have that right as an American.


Don't be like the thousands of people who were in there 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's who voted for the first time in there life because a canidate was of a certain race, religion or color and that was your main driving force to vote.


What does this have to do with the freedom to choose whether or not to vote? Way to stay on subject there.


Vote and you have earned the right to bitch all you want........Don't Vote? then STFU


Nutty Bar, the freedom exists for me whether or not I vote. My grandfather, bro-in-law, and many close family friends have and are fighting for these freedoms and I'll excersize them if I see fit.


Don't forget many Americans died to give you this right.......and many others are still dying trying to gain this right. Don't take it for granted.


Nutty Bar, the right that has been fought for is the right to be free. Voting does not make someone more of a patriot than another. Our freedom is what we grasp and our freedom cannot be limited. Freedom to vote and freedom not to vote. Freedom to speak and freedom to hold our tongue. Freedom to buy and freedom to rent. Freedom to assemble and freedom to hole up in a basement playing CoD.


Don't forget many Americans fought and died for us to practice religion freely. What say you about those who chose not to?

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I don't know what your ballot looked like but mine was 4 pages. I did not vote on every section. Things where there was only 1 option or no one I liked were left blank. However, I find it hard to believe there was not 1 single person or topic that you could find worth voting for. Possible...maybe, hard to believe....VERY! At the very least I would assume there were local issues such as levies, liquor license, etc. that you would either have a yes or no opinion on.


Don't care about levies or liquor license. I am happy to ride the wave on those ones.


If it makes you feel better I did vote last year with the Casino issue on the ballot. But my vote didn't make a difference.

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