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Windows Mobile 7


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Just went to t-mobile to check out the HD7 and its smooth, its on the HSPA+ network and its super fast. Netflix loads videos way faster than my iphone. I like it, The only thing it lacks is the number of apps I have on my iphone.
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Doesnt even have copy/paste, or multitasking. Even iphone's have half ass multitasking.


It has half ass multitasking, but im sure it will get better over time. Also I think copy and paste will be released early next year.

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I would love to see MS have some success on the mobile front again. If only to keep those competitive juices flowing.


They haven't done any innovation though. There is nothing groundbreaking with their phones, besides some easier syncing with other microsoft applications.

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They haven't done any innovation though. There is nothing groundbreaking with their phones, besides some easier syncing with other microsoft applications.


I would argue that there's nothing ground-breaking on Android phones either, but that doesn't stop me from loving my Evo.


I had custom ROMS, kernels, wireless/wired tethering, touchscreen controls, remote VNC, terminal, and thousands of apps/games on my Winmo 6700/6800. It simply lacked elegance, both soft and hard(LOL). Only when the iPhone innovated the finger-friendly UI (arguably, but you can't argue what brought the control style to the masses), did Google see the need to fill the vacuum MS left behind with its inability to forecast how phone UI was evolving, or even CHANGE AT ALL.


I haven't used Winmo7, just seen some demos, so I can't fairly judge it one way or the other, but if theres one thing I dislike it's being forced to use a format, even if I thoroughly endorse that format in the present. From what I've seen so far I wouldn't personally care for the overly simplistic nature of the "hub" setup MS is going for, but I know lots of people that would, if they can get their minds off of the iPhone's glittery, sparklyness.

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I would love to see MS have some success on the mobile front again. If only to keep those competitive juices flowing.


I like my gen 1 Zune, if the Zune HD is as nice flowing only with more shit, then why MS didn't use that and throw in phone shit and make it a direct competitor to the ifruit rather than to android is beyond me.

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I like my gen 1 Zune, if the Zune HD is as nice flowing only with more shit, then why MS didn't use that and throw in phone shit and make it a direct competitor to the ifruit rather than to android is beyond me.


The zune HD is basically windows mobile 7 just fancier with a ton more options.


At the base of Zune HD is windows CE I assume the same for WM7.

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I HATED all of my Windows Mobile phones I've had (couple HTC units and a Treo Pro), so I can't imagine liking this.


I agree all the old windows mobile 2002-6.5 all sucked. But this is a completely different UI than the old ones. I test drove the HD7 yesterday and it is nicely responsive and everything loads surprisingly fast compared to my iphone. Even Netflix looked better on it.

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