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God pulled the stopper...


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I thought it was already pretty well speculated that there is a black hole in the center of the galaxy ?


It has been accepted that a super massive exists at the center of all galaxies. Our galaxy sits in Sagitarius A and also have a super massive. We are actually on a collision course with Ursala Minor galaxy I believe (I will have to look that one up)...oh what fun will ensue when galaxies collide...

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I have always been fascinated by space and all it entails. It almost hurts my head to think about how massive everything really is. I mean to actually try to conveive how big space is and the fact that it is "expanding." Expanding into what? More space?
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I have always been fascinated by space and all it entails. It almost hurts my head to think about how massive everything really is. I mean to actually try to conveive how big space is and the fact that it is "expanding." Expanding into what? More space?


Try this on for size...


The center of our galaxy is a super massive which is millions of times larger than our own sun...the sun can hold 1 million earths. The density and gravitational pull of our black hole is so great that it holds all mass in orbit 100,000 light years across. The nearest galaxy to ours is Andromeda (mis-stated above as Ursala Minor) which is 2.5 millions light years away. Out of the millions of galaxies we can track, 2.5 million light years is the closest. We are on a collision course with this beast also with a super massive at the center.

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I have always been fascinated by space and all it entails. It almost hurts my head to think about how massive everything really is. I mean to actually try to conveive how big space is and the fact that it is "expanding." Expanding into what? More space?


Want to really warp your brain? The Universe isn't expanding into anything. The expansion is the universe itself (you can think of it as our reality as objective as it gets). Because of this expansion, shortly after the Big Bang the universe was expanding FASTER than the speed of light. But that was only possible because the "measuring stick" was expanding at the same time.


The Big Bang and Black Holes are just awesome. You can look at them as physical manifestations of pure mathematics.

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I don't understand how something can expand but into nothing. Lets say hypothetically you are at the edge of space where it is expanding, like a balloon, what is "on the other side of that threshold" for lack of better terminology?
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I don't understand how something can expand but into nothing. Lets say hypothetically you are at the edge of space where it is expanding, like a balloon, what is "on the other side of that threshold" for lack of better terminology?


to take it even further...with the expansion...the galaxies are getting pulled apart (except what is getting caught in each others gravitationalp pull). the rate the universe is expanding, all of the stars will eventually be pulled so far apart that should the earth survive another 10 billion years (core will burn out long before that) you will not see stars in the sky as they will be too far away.

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I don't understand how something can expand but into nothing. Lets say hypothetically you are at the edge of space where it is expanding, like a balloon, what is "on the other side of that threshold" for lack of better terminology?


That's what's so mind bending. There is no border because there is nothing else. A border implies a division between two spaces. But there isn't anything outside our universe, not even "nothing." If you were to fly in one direction for a very very very long time, you'd still have forever to go because the universe is expanding away from you at any possible rate you travel.


And it's accelerating!

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Wormholes are easy to understand.


true statement...its all about bending time and space...not to travel fast across great distance, but to bend the space like a piece of paper until the corners meet only to take a step to get to your destination where straight travel would take millions of light years...thats like a wormhole. I watch waaaay to much histrory channel. <.<

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true statement...its all about bending time and space...not to travel fast across great distance, but to bend the space like a piece of paper until the corners meet only to take a step to get to your destination where straight travel would take millions of light years...thats like a wormhole. I watch waaaay to much histrory channel. <.<


How can you bend time. In essence isn't time just a way to try to measure the imeasurable? I mean really there is no beginning and no end so how can one measure it unless there is a ficticious beginning and end put in place.

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How can you bend time. In essence isn't time just a way to try to measure the imeasurable? I mean really there is no beginning and no end so how can one measure it unless there is a ficticious beginning and end put in place.


The theory is that time can be bent by producing enough density. Think of timeand space as a bed sheet laying across your mattress. Super massive black holes would be like a bowling ball. When you place the bowling ball on the sheet it bows down because the weight is so much heavier than the sheet. The theory is that if enough weight can be produced to where you can bend the flat plane of space you are closer to the other side than you were if you tried to just go straight along the plane from point A to point B. If enough weight can be produced then the plane of space bends further and further until point A is only steps away from point B.


Another theory is that the further you go away from earth the faster time moves because it is affected by gravity...so far travel away from earth in itself is time travel.

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time is completely intangible though. Just because a distance is shortened doesn't mean you can walk across and see things that haven't happened yet.


OK, lets say you are on one side of the bed sheet and in 6hrs something amazing is going to happen on the other side of the bed sheet. But it take you 7hrs to get there. You are going to miss the evnt by an hour. Now drop the bowling ball on the sheet to create a "chasm" or whatever you want to call it which brings two parts of the bed sheet closer together and now because you can just hop across the bowling ball, it will only take you 4hrs to get to the other side. You just save 3 hrs. But that doesn't mean that the event taking place will happen any sooner, you just have 2hrs of waiting to do now. Does that make sense? The distance traveled/time needed to travel changes but the actual timing of the events doesn't change.

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time is completely intangible though. Just because a distance is shortened doesn't mean you can walk across and see things that haven't happened yet.


OK, lets say you are on one side of the bed sheet and in 6hrs something amazing is going to happen on the other side of the bed sheet. But it take you 7hrs to get there. You are going to miss the evnt by an hour. Now drop the bowling ball on the sheet to create a "chasm" or whatever you want to call it which brings two parts of the bed sheet closer together and now because you can just hop across the bowling ball, it will only take you 4hrs to get to the other side. You just save 3 hrs. But that doesn't mean that the event taking place will happen any sooner, you just have 2hrs of waiting to do now. Does that make sense? The distance traveled/time needed to travel changes but the actual timing of the events doesn't change.


time travel in that sense like "back to the future" is something different than what i am talking about. time will move with or without you. gravity moves time. the farther you are away from gravity the slower time moves. you are not present to view an event that happens and the event happens without you. moving of the proverbial sheet is more time bend to travel great distance in a short period of time as we know it. that to me is time travel not so much the "back to the future"...1.21 Jiggawatts!! i see where you are going now.

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If I am undertsanding your point correctly than any form of travel would be "time travel." A car will get you from point a to point b faster than walking, and a jet will get you there faster than driving, so it's all relative.


What it comes down to in this conversation is the defnition of "time."

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If I am undertsanding your point correctly than any form of travel would be "time travel." A car will get you from point a to point b faster than walking, and a jet will get you there faster than driving, so it's all relative.


What it comes down to in this conversation is the defnition of "time."


lol. True statement. I have a couple of Stephen Hawking books that you would LOVE if your into this sort of thing. Next time I see you remind to bring them along. They are quick and good reads. Its about time to send Krieos off to start the therapy training and off leash stuff or some more commands. I want the 90 degree square off. Annnnnd the gimpy puppy loves to shard in her cage every time I stick her in it. She has NO issues with pissing all over herself either. She is a little re-re.

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lol. True statement. I have a couple of Stephen Hawking books that you would LOVE if your into this sort of thing. Next time I see you remind to bring them along. They are quick and good reads. Its about time to send Krieos off to start the therapy training and off leash stuff or some more commands. I want the 90 degree square off. Annnnnd the gimpy puppy loves to shard in her cage every time I stick her in it. She has NO issues with pissing all over herself either. She is a little re-re.



I am down for a good read but you see, you may not be aware but I actually strapped on a turbocharged nitrous infused rocket to my back and went back in time and got those books from you and read them and then returned to the present time, so let me know when you want them back.




I have been thinking about getting caspian certified as a therapy dog.


Getting K to square off 90 shouldn't be that hard. Nero is on point with it and that Rottie I am trying to find a home for can do it too.

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