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Black ops: cheat to unlock all the zombie maps


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some other things i found but havn't tested


here's what you can get in the game and how.


Five - A zombies map to go along with the already unlocked on. All you have to do is beat the campaign.


Dead Ops Arcade - This is the top down twin stick shooter zombie mode that was leaked not long ago. To access it, while in the main menu, press the R and L triggers a few times, you'll break out of the chair you're strapped in and be free to move around the room. There's a computer directly behind the chair, go it and type in DOA, and the game will open up!


Zork - A text based adventure game from the 80s, that most people will find completely boring and out of place. Either way, type in ZORK on the computer from above and bam, it's available.


You do get achievements for getting out of the chair and unlocking both mini games, so it's worth doing for those alone. Plus Dead Ops Arcade is a blast.

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has anyone tried it for ps3 yet? That's pretty cool, I didn't even know you could get out of the chair!


I just did it, you use R3 too look down at your hands, then tap L2 and R2 to get your hands free, then you walk over to the computer, type in 3arc unlock and bam.

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