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How Marines address a proper President.

Uncle Punk

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I distinctly remember thinking that I was glad to not be serving under Clinton and I’m sure I wasn’t let down by the way I expected you guys to have received him. It’s a no brainer how that was going to happen. This will pass and we will have a president that we can be proud of again, I have lived long enough to have seen it come and go. We have to suffer through this one; it won’t always be this bad.

Yes, everyone has a different opinion that’s why I said 90% would share this sentiment. You always have your 10% that are shitbirds.

For others (Non Marines) who are reading this I am not calling you shitbirds for not agreeing with this sentiment, I do understand that we are a divided nation by about 50% to 50% and not half of us are shitbirds because of our political beliefs. Most of us are assholes for entirely different reasons. Everyone is an asshole to some one, crack heads think the religious are and the religious think crack heads are, etc, etc.

My time spent around the Army was limited to being around them while I was training for my MOS because my training was on an Army base. Their overall outlook is different from the Marines and their ratio of conservatives is surely different. (Quit feeding the Army usurper troll in the thread, even though I think his new halo lights are kick ass)

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(Quit feeding the Army usurper troll in the thread, even though I think his new halo lights are kick ass)

Remind me to junk punch you next time I see you. By the way, I hope you like the herpes I left in the track suit. You're welcome. :)

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For others (Non Marines) who are reading this I am not calling you shitbirds for not agreeing with this sentiment,...

You mean every other service? You know the ones you couldn't qualify for so you had to join the Marines, the bitch service of the Navy. :D

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Bush was admittedly the worst president in recent memory, but Barry is going to try to put blue beanies on all of us. Clinton did that too. Know what it means? At least Bush didn't sell us out to the UN.

There's a Marine (can't remember his name offhand) who is STILL in the brig for refusing to don the aforementioned because it's not part of the uniform.

Semper Fidelis!!!!

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Bush was admittedly the worst president in recent memory, but Barry is going to try to put blue beanies on all of us. Clinton did that too. Know what it means? At least Bush didn't sell us out to the UN.

There's a Marine (can't remember his name offhand) who is STILL in the brig for refusing to don the aforementioned because it's not part of the uniform.

Semper Fidelis!!!!

actually monica wasn't the only person f'd by slick billy.... he f'd over the whole military by making the drastic cuts in the mid 90's, it's how I got stuck in korea for a double 18 month rotation... on top of 8 months tdy with the 82nd in bosnia.... I say F the UN they aren't helping anyone but themselves....and I remember going thru joint training with marines... they can hang in any situation.... never met one that was too afraid to step off the end with me....hoo-rah...

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