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sorry didnt see this just posted another thread...... this is full of all kinda of craziness..... i live 5 mins from his house and my lil brother lives directly behind this guy...... didnt even know it was going on till to late guy was weird for sure, he never socialized or anything like most neighbors did there most will bs and drink few beers in evening but this guy excluded himself guess i get it now
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who the fuck cares


~39 people are murdered each day in the US. What the fuck is special about these people? One of them is a young white female? NEWS FUCKFEST.


As soon as this shits off the news I can go back to my regular TV fap schedule.


This pretty much how I feel about news. I try to not even listen to it because its always senseless bad news. I've always felt the world would be better if we didn't hear about this stuff constantly.


A good example is that creep that is in columbus collecting "boys urine" to fullfill some type of crazy fetish of his. Do we really need this on the 6:00 news for our kids to hear and have to process. Lol come on I'm 32 and I'm having trouble processing it, wow.

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What? No jokes about these dead people?:rolleyes:


Jokes during a situation like this are no laughing matter.


































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Showing compassion towards the plights and suffering of others is what seperates us from other underdeveloped species/cultures. At somepoint you have to feel something for the hardships other endure. If we all just become cold and calus towards one another then what are we left with as a society. Somepeople feel compassionate due to it being fellow Ohioans or because these people were so close they can relate on some level.
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