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Hockey Skates


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I'm moving to the dark side after figure skating FOREVER and need a good pair of hockey skates. Does anyone have any good places where I can buy new for a reasonable price? I am kind of in love with a pair of eastons I found at Dick's sporting goods but I am open to suggestions.!
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Hockey Stop off Bethel Road. They have a pretty decent selection and I would guess they'd be bigger selection than Dicks considering they're a hockey only store.


Im still on my first pair after playing several times a week for about 2 years and I love my pair of Nike Bauer's. You might be able to find better prices online but i didnt trust buying my first pair of skates without being able to try them on first. If I remember correctly I think they run a size smaller than your shoe size, but i could be wrong. Maybe its the same rule for figure skates???


Sean's been playing longer than me, maybe he'll chime in here. As far as make/model thats personal preference but if your buying locally DEFINITLY go to Hockey Stop.


Are you getting into playing hockey or just want different skates? Ive been trying to get my GF to play but shes a bit reluctant.

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Just a different way to skate reallly, I do hair so i'm on my feet all day and figure skates fit alot tighter and I have noticed that I am starting to feel alot more foot pain after I skate. Sean (Crossle) wears hockey skates and he thought I should try them. They arejust so much more comfortable but its a totally different way to skate! You and your gf should come to an open skate at osu sometime! We usually go weds and suns times are like 8-10ish its like $7 total to skate and rent if you dont already have skates.
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Sean's been playing longer than me, maybe he'll chime in here.


Yes, here I am. :)


If you want a good pair of skates, then go to the Hockey Stop on Bethel. If you just want something cheap to see if you'll like skating on hockey skates, then go ahead and get something at Dick's. The stuff they sell at Hockey Stop is mostly for people that are going to be playing ice hockey at numerous levels.


Any other questions, feel free to PM me... :)

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I've had a set of CCM 152 Tacks for well over 14 years now. Got them sharpened and took them out when I was home on leave in september. Gotta say, they're just as good as they were 14 years ago. Not the most expensive pair of skates around, but I've never seen a set of CCM's go bad.


14 years and they haven't broken down yet?! :eek:

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Ive always liked tacks and have heard that they do last forever and are very durable BUT at the cost of being heavier than the new competition (bauer, nike, reebok etc...) I have a slightly wider foot and didnt think my nike/bauer's would fit but they fit great. I always had a hard time finding inline hockey skates b/c they were always too narrow but my skates fit awesome. they've held up pretty well but i dont skate 5 hours a day everyday either.


di i didnt know you played too? i thought you were just a crazy toronto fan?


and sean, just b/c scotty has had them for 14 years doesnt mean hes USED THEM for 14 years. I already told him he needs to get back into it when he gets back.

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I'll keep this updated I suppose, pretty interesting night last night. Joe over at the Hockey Stop (owner) let Erica borrow his son's Grafs for the evening, Erica loved them other than 2 things, 1 they had no sole inserts in them..easy fix, and since his son played hockey it had a REALLY narrow rocker cut on the leading and trailing edge of the blade which allows for more forward and rearward leaning.


They fit her well, and being 1 entire size smaller than my Easton Air's I was able to get my foot in it. They are really hard and after 2 seasons of play they show no real signs of softening up.


So, I suppose she needs these criteria based on what she likes,

--Stiffer boot that does not soften easily Baur/Graf I have no experience with CCM

--Narrow boot as these pinched my foot in ways I did not care for at all, but she liked it


Good input here guys, I am taking all this in as well. I am looking to potentially upgrade at some point since I have had mine since I was about 16 skating as much as a hockey player does, just not playing lol.


We may be skating tonight at OSU, we will for sure be hitting OSU tomorrow night (Sunday) if anyone wants to swing out. Pretty good group of people that are regulars and we hammer it out.


Rink schedules are here, just look for open skates and click on the month.


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Thanks guys, this transsion has kind of sucked because I cant find a pair that fit well, but I really rather wear the hockey rentals then go back to my figure skates at this point. ( I am on a stiff boot and a phantom club blade which = HUGE toe pick and small curvature to spin on.) SO I feel like going back would make me have to reteach myself to to skate on hockey blades.


As Sean has mentioned I like a stiff narrow boot (figure skateing thing I guess) and a heel that will cup my foot. I lLOVE the graf's but they are way out of my price range for now. At this point I have skated on just about every brand for at least one session. I wear an 8 in graf, 7.5 in Easton, 6.5 in reebok and I hate the bauer's (except for a pair from the early 1990's that was super narrow.) SO I guess if anyone comes accross any of these let me know :) Thanks all!


We skate every Weds from 8-10 if anyone ever wants to come by and say hey!

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Thanks why we like Osu, older group of people and better ice to skate on!


wha???? really? the best Ice ive been on by far was Ice Haus. I skated at OSU one time when i was younger but dont remember much it was so long ago.


Funny my neighbor saw me carrying in my hockey bag and said "i use to figure skate, you guys always hog all the ice time" I said, "you have a WHOLE PATCH of ice all to yourself in Easton!" Apparently she thought they were all the same size, eff the olympic size figure skating ice.


Di, is the lunch and skate at easton like a dropin or just skating around in circles? i always hit up dublin dropin at 1130am, every now and then if i want to really challenge myself I'll go to the early dropin at the ice haus friday mornings. Sean usually goes to that one if im not mistaken

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Di, is the lunch and skate at easton like a dropin or just skating around in circles? i always hit up dublin dropin at 1130am, every now and then if i want to really challenge myself I'll go to the early dropin at the ice haus friday mornings. Sean usually goes to that one if im not mistaken


They used to have open skate on one side, and dropin on the other side, started at noon i believe.

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