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Hockey Skates


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wha???? really? the best Ice ive been on by far was Ice Haus.


This right here. The best ice in Columbus, by far, is the Ice Haus. Makes sense, as they keep it in great shape and temperature for the Blue Jackets, who practice on it as well. 2nd place would be Chiller North. Then Easton and OSU are about the same. Dublin SUCKS. I can't stand playing there. They need a serious compressor upgrade, the ice gets very soft very quickly. :(


Next time any of you are skating at Easton on Tuesday for the public skate, or the Drop In, let me know. I'll come out and play... :nod:

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Next Thursday the 23rd, there is a Drop In at 11:30 AM at Easton, along with an public skate on the other rink. So who's gonna be there besides me? :)


How about tomorow morning at Ice Worx, Behrman dropin. Its invite only but i'll tell him i invited you. Your only allowed to come if your on my team. Its C-D level though.


Oh and as for Dublin rink, Its terrible. Go figure thats the one rink we have most of our games at. I remember a game last summer the ice was melting and thinning so much they have to spray water on it on certain spots. I guess the zamboni driver shaved the ice too much.

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How about tomorow morning at Ice Worx, Behrman dropin. Its invite only but i'll tell him i invited you. Your only allowed to come if your on my team. Its C-D level though.


Can't make it, but thanks for the invite. :)


I also might look out of place at a C/D Drop In... :o

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Can't make it, but thanks for the invite. :)


I also might look out of place at a C/D Drop In... :o


psht thats what sandbaggin's for! There have been some B guys that have shown up in the past. I just said that to warn you that it might not be up to your level but its still fun. Most of the time if there's a new person or someone who's not that good we let them carry the puck some, play some soft D ect. Its not like a serious game or anything so we're just there to have fun.

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