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Smart Tech !!!


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I went to one of the smaller tracks in Ohio for an AC-Delco race, and the front row seats were within arms reach of the cars going by. No fence, just a concrete and wooden wall in between. I wondered why no one was sitting there. We moved back a few rows of seats. Ok, we moved back a lot...

At the track in Columbus, some track worker tried to run across the back stretch track just before a green flag. He didn't make it, got hit. He was running uphill on the slope. He actually froze before getting hit. I wasn't there to see that one.

I was there at another race, and a track worker ran toward a car in the infield, and froze, when he realized another car was going through the grass right at him. The car swerved to the right directly into the rear axle of a large tow truck. Big "DONG" sound. Didn't hurt the tow truck, but totaled the race car.

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I can't say that I speak for everyone, but who gives a shit about NASCAR. It's potentially the worst form of racing there is, in my opinion of course. Granted it was a bonehead move, but if the shoe fits...

Edited by Goldie
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you guys are idiots to say there is no skill..if theres no skill why the fuck are you not doing it..too good for it i bet...btw its spelled trailers

It isn't "easy" per se, but its not that hard either.

I had a former family member who worked for Richard Petty. I had the opportunity on several occasions to drive Kyle's cup car (Daytona, Orlando, Atlanta, Martinsville), and let me tell you, those cars are a handful at speed.

I'd have to think though that once you had the setup for a particular track, you should be fairly fast right off the trailer.

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but to say theres no skill involves is a far cry from reality..that would be so awesome to drive cup car..lucky bastard!

I don't know about lucky. Besides my kids and the divorce, the seat time was the only other good thing to come out of that marriage....:D

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