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The have a new BW3's across from Rooster off of 23 in front of Wal-Mart. Other than that there a little Italian restaurant in the middle of town, can't think of the name and I don't know of any movie theaters. My GF lives just south of there and we seriously go to Lancaster, Columbus or Chillicothe to do anything.


Italian? Cardo's? They moved out on 22 by the fairgrounds across from Sutherlands.


I think the majority of Cville goes to Berger's ER when they're bored. You could try that.


False. The majority of C-ville locals wouldn't be caught dead at Berger...at least they wouldn't be dead going in. Most people, if able, opt for Columbus hospitals. Since Mt. Carmel (I believe) took over it's really improved though.


Sounds good and thanks Yenner for the detailed post. I am thinking about buying a new quad or dirt bike they have 13 acres of land now with some wooded area as well. I am pumped.


NP. Quad for sure.


So quad party in cville this year?


I'm def. game but I've got family with some great riding land in West Jeff too.


Everybody has a lifted diesel truck too!


Wrong. Everyone WANTS a lifted diesel. Everyone HAS an out of place expensive ride (big farmers, lawyers, and Dr.'s) or mommy's old beat up mini van.


...or a 94 civic.


I am from c-ville. Dover ask me anything. You got my number. You guys would be suprised how many wealthy people live in this town....


Yenner- Do I know you? What MMA gym? The one by sutherlands heading out 22?


I don't know if I know you. That's the gym. If you met me there I was with my buddy JJ.


Do people still cruize there on the weekends?




Weather permitting there are still cruisers EVERY night. I lived on Court St. for 2 years and about everynight I'd here/see them. Weekends are the worst. It's died down a bit but it's still alive. All ricers, RARELY anything worth mentioning.


no they dont. that ended years ago.


Wrong. We use to sit on our front porch and count how many cars ran the red light at the intersection we lived on. This was the past 2 years.

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False. The majority of C-ville locals wouldn't be caught dead at Berger...at least they wouldn't be dead going in. Most people, if able, opt for Columbus hospitals. Since Mt. Carmel (I believe) took over it's really improved though.


Considering I work there, you would be wrong on all accounts. Thanks for playing though.

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Considering I work there, you would be wrong on all accounts. Thanks for playing though.


Oh...you work there? At least we're getting an unbiased consumer opinion. LOL!


Kidding man. Word of mouth is strong in these parts though. My bad if I offended. Not my intentions.

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Oh...you work there? At least we're getting an unbiased consumer opinion. LOL!


Kidding man. Word of mouth is strong in these parts though. My bad if I offended. Not my intentions.


Not offended in the least. People just have a tendency to throw out the widespread rumor that, "Berger kills people." What you'll find though, is that most people who spew those comments: 1. Have never been a patient there, or, 2. They stopped in for pain meds, and were shown the door. In either case, it's people just running their mouth with absolutely nothing to back it up.


Berger is exactly what it's supposed to be - a mid level facility. It'll probably never be a Grant or Riverside, or the like, because it's sandwiched right between Chillicothe (Adena), and Columbus. There's no need or room for Berger to be a top tier hospital.


I've heard, more often that not, that our actual patients (the sick ones, not the frequent flyers) prefer Berger over the larger hospitals because of the quality of care they receive.

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I've only heard stories. Been a patient there myself a few times. No real issues. Just sucked to wait with my wife while she was in pain for 2.5 hours after walking in at about 1:30 am. :) That's been awhile ago though and as I said earlier, I've heard that things are going really well there now.


Either way, it's not someplace I care to visit while home on leave. :p

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