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V8 Beast

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Down 28 to 7 at half time we go apeshit in the second half, We shut down their offense and scored at will. With 13 seconds left on the clock Steve dumps the ball to Leigh after being rushed by two guys. Leigh then somehow runs through 3 guys for the equivilent of a 60 yard touchdown. At this point the score is 28 to 27 with 3 seconds left. As a team we decide to go for two! We put "BIG" Steve at receiver to give us an advantage. Steve, while being grabbed by 3 guys, jumps in the air and catches the ball with one hand for the game winning 2 point conversion!!!! Shit was bananas!!!!!



Great work team!

Thanks Phil, and Jason. Phil we used your defense so you had a big part in this!

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Apparently it takes more than 3 guys to stop Steve and I. Big Men FTW!


I know you saw the lock down defense :lol: I was to the qb before the ball was. I told Dave we were going to blitz him the first half and just when they thought they know what we are doing.. boom! Worked to perfection, just started about 2 scores too late lol.


P.S. This post was made from a bathtub filled with epson salt while sipping prune juice.

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I know you saw the lock down defense :lol: I was to the qb before the ball was. I told Dave we were going to blitz him the first half and just when they thought they know what we are doing.. boom! Worked to perfection, just started about 2 scores too late lol.


P.S. This post was made from a bathtub filled with epson salt while sipping prune juice.



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They had our number the first half. We stayed with it and WON!!!! Its gonna take more than 3 to hold me down. First game was 49-28. We scored at will. I only had 2 incomplete passes that game. We were in a zone. Big shout to leigh, marv, ice and brandon. I was putting it betwenn 2 defenders and they was grabbin everything. Second game I got my mike vick on. We are a second half team. CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!! That D locked them down second half! I threw for 8 touchdowns today and ran 1 yeeeaaaaaaaaaa
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