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Anyone interested in Land Speed Racing (1-mile race) if it was in Ohio?


Ohio Standing Mile  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. Ohio Standing Mile

    • Yes
    • No - Why?
    • I would spectate

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Just curious who on here would do it if there was one closer?


If so, what would you bring and what would your goal be?


How much are you willing to pay to do it 2 or 3 day event (Fri, Sat, Sun)? $100-200-300?



For those that don't know what I mean, it would be a 1-mile drag race with a 3/4-mile shut down. There are a few people working to get this done, just curious what the take on here is and if it would succeed?


It would be similar to:












(If a mod could make this a poll, that would be great!)





No- why?

I would at least come watch

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I would build a bike for it and participate often proved costs were inline or a little more than Texas or Maxton (-transportation). I would say good luck finding a place though because I put out a lot of feelers for this years ago when the ECTA was just getting off the ground and no place was even at all intrigued by such an event. The TRC that Honda now owns came the closest to showing interest but they said the high speed oval is in such a poor state that they don't use it for high speeds anymore.
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I would build a bike for it and participate often proved costs were inline or a little more than Texas or Maxton (-transportation). I would say good luck finding a place though because I put out a lot of feelers for this years ago when the ECTA was just getting off the ground and no place was even at all intrigued by such an event. The TRC that Honda now owns came the closest to showing interest but they said the high speed oval is in such a poor state that they don't use it for high speeds anymore.


The oval rarely sees speeds over 99mph if that gives you any idea of it's condition.

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Thank you for the poll....


Glad to be getting such great feedback so far, keep the thoughts coming.


I already contacted TRC and they won't allow a competition event since they are non-profit. I hoped we could just rent one of the 2-mile straights but they said they would have to pretty much shut down all oval testing and the price would sky rocket.


There is another venue being worked on, they are waiting to hear from the County Port Authority to see if they will allow it. So far they have been very open to the idea so fingers crossed that it keeps pressing towards an actual event... :cool:

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I would, daily rates would be better though. I don't know how many people want to do an all weekend deal.


Depending how the details are worked out, if it's like Texas there will only be a certain amount of entry's allowed so people will be able to get more runs. If there is an unlimited number then you spend the entire time waiting in line and hardly racing which = NO FUN for anyone.


Texas started out with 160-entries and then as people went home/blew up, whatever, they kept a stand by list. As people withdrew the people on the standby list were then allowed to race. Personally, I think a 3-day race is a MUST have because most people coming from out of town need the extra time. It also gives you more chances to run, test, tune, etc. if you have a problem and have to fix it overnight (for those not local).


The problem now is Texas has gotten so big they are up to 260-entries (over 300 with standby list) and it's made it very hard to get runs in. Before you had no trouble running 20-25 times during the weekend. Now it's down to 10-15 if you are lucky. Even the big guys are down to just 4 or 5 runs which kind of stinks.


I'll post more as we get info...

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