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US Marine attacked by group of thugs


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The dad said that they are going to say teenage things??? WTF raise them not to do that and not be completely worthless trash. Oh well guess I will always need someone to give me my fries at mcdonalds

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The dad said that they are going to say teenage things??? WTF raise them not to do that and not be completely worthless trash. Oh well guess I will always need someone to give me my fries at mcdonalds


+1 to that. A lot of kids have no respect today. Talking during a movie is rude. They have "turn off your cell" and "Don't talk during the movie" reminders at the beginning, these should not even be needed.

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Something inside me doubts that jersey shore dude "asked them nicely" to quiet down especially after just coming home from the desert.


but I could be wrong.


I think he said something like "Be quiet, have some respect" to two rows worth of rowdy idiots then got them kicked out. I dont know about you but if they are disprespectful and rowdy to begin with I skip the tough guy routine and go right to the manager. At least that way they dont tie it back to me and put my girl in danger. I can hold my own but engaging 20 people is stupid... even with a gun. If you shoot one and 6 others have guns you just committed suicide for something that could have been prevented.


Anyone that punches a woman is a worthless bitch, and anyone that needs a group to fight someone are worthless bitches... unless its Chuck Norris or MacGyver.. then I would suggest having 40 people, a stick of gum, and a stapler.

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+1 to that. A lot of kids have no respect today. Talking during a movie is rude. They have "turn off your cell" and "Don't talk during the movie" reminders at the beginning, these should not even be needed.


++11ty billion i never go to movies any more just on the basis i HATE people talking and its always the younger generation (I sound old lol)

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BTW.... Military guys, doesn't it make you sick to think you're defending these P.O.S.'s rights and freedom too. This country needs to be 10x harder on criminals than they are. Hell I would settle for seeing someone get a swift penalty then actually have to SERVE the entire sentence....


if you can't tell the videos made be blow a gasket or two....

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BTW.... Military guys, doesn't it make you sick to think you're defending these P.O.S.'s rights and freedom too. This country needs to be 10x harder on criminals than they are. Hell I would settle for seeing someone get a swift penalty then actually have to SERVE the entire sentence....


if you can't tell the videos made be blow a gasket or two....


I would make a slight edit and say:


Americans, doesn't it make you sick that these POS's that go to jail you pay for while they serve there whole sentence getting free time and watching TV and get 3 square meals a day.


Ever watched the show 'Locked Up' on MSNBC. These murderers, rapists, and other crime commiting pieces of shit have the ability to complain they are being punished to hard in prison. They are allowed TV's, and are allowed a good amount of time out of there cell (unless they really fuck up while in prison). Guess he pays for them to live that lifestyle. YOU and I. It makes me angry we support our criminals in the US.

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What i dont understand is that The kids waited around till the Marine got out of the Movies

That sounds wrong there

They should have went straight home or called to get picked up

And they said they werent starting nothing

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I would make a slight edit and say:


Americans, doesn't it make you sick that these POS's that go to jail you pay for while they serve there whole sentence getting free time and watching TV and get 3 square meals a day.


Ever watched the show 'Locked Up' on MSNBC. These murderers, rapists, and other crime commiting pieces of shit have the ability to complain they are being punished to hard in prison. They are allowed TV's, and are allowed a good amount of time out of there cell (unless they really fuck up while in prison). Guess he pays for them to live that lifestyle. YOU and I. It makes me angry we support our criminals in the US.


I saw that, it pissed me off. They should be in empty cells, have to earn their right to sleep on a bed, and get fed vitamin fortified slop 3 times a day. The rest of the time and money should go to showing them how to live in society and be worth a damn... In jail watching soap opera's and eating pizza :nono:

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I would make a slight edit and say:


Americans, doesn't it make you sick that these POS's that go to jail you pay for while they serve there whole sentence getting free time and watching TV and get 3 square meals a day.


Ever watched the show 'Locked Up' on MSNBC. These murderers, rapists, and other crime commiting pieces of shit have the ability to complain they are being punished to hard in prison. They are allowed TV's, and are allowed a good amount of time out of there cell (unless they really fuck up while in prison). Guess he pays for them to live that lifestyle. YOU and I. It makes me angry we support our criminals in the US.


Yes, You are absolutely right.


The only Sheriff to impress me in the last 20 years is Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He's the only one that has the balls to show the criminals that passes through his gates that they are there to be punished and it's not going to be easy.....

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I saw that, it pissed me off. They should be in empty cells, have to earn their right to sleep on a bed, and get fed vitamin fortified slop 3 times a day. The rest of the time and money should go to showing them how to live in society and be worth a damn... In jail watching soap opera's and eating pizza :nono:


My girlfriend is obsessed with the show so I have to sit through it I fucking hate it. Why not cut there funding and put it towards the 1.3T debt the country has...?

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My girlfriend is obsessed with the show so I have to sit through it I fucking hate it. Why not cut there funding and put it towards the 1.3T debt the country has...?


Same reason we spend millions and pile up things we never use in government warehouses. If we could get someone that new how to actually budget they could take a little bit from everything we are wasting money on and be out of debt in 15 years. Instead we give criminals internet, food choices, and suggestion boxes... I got an idea, dont rape people and you wont have to ask for curtains to make your cell feel more like home. If anything take the money and give the gaurds a raise.

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