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Pennies 4 Pavement


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Before I go on a rant about the bailout I'll address the OP. I guess if someone races there often this would be worth it to them. If the track truly can't afford a repave it's likely because track rates were too low. So those that raced there often are just backpaying their too low entry fees from the past. If that is the case it was a bad business model, they will likely have this same problem when the next time to repave comes around. No one would dream of going and giving a $20 to their favorite bar or restaurant if it were going out of business, just to try to keep it in business.


My main point was about it being a for profit. If you are going to donate money to somewhere please donate it to a non-profit whose cause you believe in.


couldn't agree more.


Bail out program anyone?


I don't see the analogy. Our whole economy probably would have failed without the bailout. And as far as I understand the government didn't give anyone money, they bought things from them. They bought loans from the banks and stocks from the auto companies. Which they are selling back. Isn't the government on track to make money on the financial sector bailout and looking pretty good for the auto bailout too? I'm not condoning the bailout 100% or thinking we should ever do it again. I'm defining it as a necessary evil. If we get this financial sector oversight thing right and people are reasonable with their money we probably won't have to worry about this again. This depression didn't happen naturally, it was forced by greed on all sides.


I just heard a really interesting This American Life (radio show on NPR which takes mundane things and looks at them from an interesting slant) called The Invention of Money. They talk to the Fed during part of it. This is separate from the government bailouts, but still a very interesting article.



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Before I go on a rant about the bailout I'll address the OP. I guess if someone races there often this would be worth it to them. If the track truly can't afford a repave it's likely because track rates were too low. So those that raced there often are just backpaying their too low entry fees from the past. If that is the case it was a bad business model, they will likely have this same problem when the next time to repave comes around. No one would dream of going and giving a $20 to their favorite bar or restaurant if it were going out of business, just to try to keep it in business.




You are clearly just talking shit.. I bet you dont even own a car and if you do you dont go to the track with it.. How about there car count wasnt high enough to earn enough money to repave the track.. Can that be a possible? If you really want to start complaining about are goverment and how they spend there money start a new thread cause this one has nothing to do with it..

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Well that was fun! Trouble Maker & Spaceghost pretty much gave the cliff notes to the situation.


If you feel the need to donate towards a for profit business go on ahead. The only money they will get from me is my entry fee, if they can't do more with that there are some serious issues...

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Well that was fun! Trouble Maker & Spaceghost pretty much gave the cliff notes to the situation.


If you feel the need to donate towards a for profit business go on ahead. The only money they will get from me is my entry fee, if they can't do more with that there are some serious issues...


Agreed. let me see the owners house and toys, if they are on food stamps, and live in a trailer I could see donating. Chances are they are living better than me.

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