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LT1's are a lot like a butterface girl, they can take some abuse if the build is right, love attention, and end the end if you blow the bitch up you can find more out there.


I still have most of the stuff to build the LT1 sitting up at my mom and dads, just not time space or $$ to do it how I want.

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LT1's are a lot like a butterface girl, they can take some abuse if the build is right, love attention, and end the end if you blow the bitch up you can find more out there.


I still have most of the stuff to build the LT1 sitting up at my mom and dads, just not time space or $$ to do it how I want.


LS1's are getting like that now too.

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LT1's are a lot like a butterface girl, they can take some abuse if the build is right, love attention, and end the end if you blow the bitch up you can find more out there.


I still have most of the stuff to build the LT1 sitting up at my mom and dads, just not time space or $$ to do it how I want.



They are fun when you get it done, but the breaking in the process sucks dick. But I loved mine, then again I was just going for a fun street car. Now I have a fun street sweeper

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No jus a non anal fun loving ungrouchy like character such as yourself. I bet you beat your keyboard up because your to much of a pussy in person to say somthing like this to another man, where on the other hand, you have myself who will pop off at the mouth because I don't give a fuck. As you see ill say to your face exactly what I say here, except. Wita lil extra spit for flavor. You, your the type of. Hand bag man who says shit online but we see you in person ( if you ever came out) and your like, " I was just playing guyz, el oh el, skinny girl martini anyone? Please use a new tampon before making your next " god your a dumbass post". I mean atleast wagner tries to be creative, and in person, he's pretty much the same. Now think of a clever way to call me stupid.

LOL, you’re some dumb kid that doesn't know shit, acts like he is someone (trust me, NO ONE gives two fucks about racquet ball), and is always trying to impress everyone with how cool you are. You have never met me and have zero clue how I am in person. Not that I have any interest in meeting you.


I am not trying to be funny when I call you dumb – I am very sure you are a fucking idiot.

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LS1's are getting like that now too.


The LSX platform is now becoming what the flathead Ford and first generation small block chevy were. They are becoming cheap and easy to make go fast, getting stuffed into different platforms, and can be found with ease.

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I love how everyone gets all butthurt cause phil/paul can't spell. I just take it as normal now.



Because its really the only thing he can say about me. If I spent as much time on the edit button as he does thinking about gay midgets, I wouldn't get chase swept properly :rolleyes:

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LOL, you’re some dumb kid that doesn't know shit, acts like he is someone (trust me, NO ONE gives two fucks about racquet ball), and is always trying to impress everyone with how cool you are. You have never met me and have zero clue how I am in person. Not that I have any interest in meeting you.


I am not trying to be funny when I call you dumb – I am very sure you are a fucking idiot.



I'm some dumb kid that handles finances on a daily basis, I mean sweep and clean toilets, and if no one gave a fuck about my sport then 11 companies wouldn't have invested there money in me. But you wouldn't know shit about that cause no one has ever spent the time or the money for you to wear there brand. I can see why that is, because your a internet hermit. Its a good thing your a mod, because now you have the power to go to a " private" section and circle jerk with jones while only a few people see how far anthonys dick goes down your throat.




P.s since you wanna be a grammer queen, racquetball is one word, just like football or basketball. I'm just saying, if your going to talk about my shittiness, please make sure every thing you type is 100% perfect.

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I'm some dumb kid that handles finances on a daily basis, I mean sweep and clean toilets, and if no one gave a fuck about my sport then 11 companies wouldn't have invested there money in me. But you wouldn't know shit about that cause no one has ever spent the time or the money for you to wear there brand. I can see why that is, because your a internet hermit. Its a good thing your a mod, because now you have the power to go to a " private" section and circle jerk with jones while only a few people see how far anthonys dick goes down your throat.




P.s since you wanna be a grammer queen, racquetball is one word, just like football or basketball. I'm just saying, if your going to talk about my shittiness, please make sure every thing you type is 100% perfect.

So you are a drive through bank teller? I can't imagine anyone would trust you to handle that kind of math.


I will continue to call it racquet ball. Football and basketball are sports; racquet ball is an activity. Good exercise I'm sure, and probably challenging to master. Like anyone is ever going to want your autograph for being the best racquet ball player in the nation. No one cares. And if you can milk free shit for doing it, more power to you.


The real question is how does being a racquet ball player make you smarter? Well, free college classes can help. But instead of taking classes you obviously need, you find it better to take Golf or other shit that won't help you in the future. Brilliant.


LOL, then you bring in Jones and Anthony - two people I haven't seen in a couple of years. There are other members here I have hung out with recently, but it isn't them. But I forgot, if I don't hang out with CR members in a parking lot, I must never leave the house and do anything.

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So wait, has CR winter fully set in yet, or just half?


The transformation has fully set in, it will get worse before it gets better. Many will not make it, and it is only a matter of time before the "cr sucks", "nobody races anymore", and "the mods and admins are mean" threads to begin.


We might even see a few "well cr is just not the same anymore" if things get really bad.

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The transformation has fully set in, it will get worse before it gets better. Many will not make it, and it is only a matter of time before the "cr sucks", "nobody races anymore", and "the mods and admins are mean" threads to begin.


We might even see a few "well cr is just not the same anymore" if things get really bad.


CR just isn't the same because of you nobody races.


There, one topic to rule them all.

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So you are a drive through bank teller? I can't imagine anyone would trust you to handle that kind of math.


I will continue to call it racquet ball. Football and basketball are sports; racquet ball is an activity. Good exercise I'm sure, and probably challenging to master. Like anyone is ever going to want your autograph for being the best racquet ball player in the nation. No one cares. And if you can milk free shit for doing it, more power to you.


The real question is how does being a racquet ball player make you smarter? Well, free college classes can help. But instead of taking classes you obviously need, you find it better to take Golf or other shit that won't help you in the future. Brilliant.


LOL, then you bring in Jones and Anthony - two people I haven't seen in a couple of years. There are other members here I have hung out with recently, but it isn't them. But I forgot, if I don't hang out with CR members in a parking lot, I must never leave the house and do anything.



I just lold at your ignorance. At what point did I say I was a teller? Never have I said I was a teller. Way to make yourself look like a true dumbass for speculating. As a matter of fact I am a fraud anaylist for small buisnesses in the midwest. Its a lil more challenging than handeling retards like yourself who have a hard time comprehending the differnce between a deposit and a withdrawl. Smack yourself twice for sayin racquetball (one word google it mr smarts) is an activity, seeing as there is a pro tour just like tennis and golf. And since you have no idea, people do get there autographs, people do follow these players, and there is a lot of $ going through the sport. I may not be getting autographs but seeing as I've been on multiple magazines, and won countless awards and have an all american letter, and let's not forget a national championship, doesn't mean one day I won't be signing the autographs for people who ask. No its not basketball, or football, or even golf, but it is a sport. Maybe because your tiny little brain can't comprehend the aspect, rules, or thought pattern that goes behind it all, doesn't make it an activity. What have you done with your life? Where did you graduate college? Was it paid for by the school? Did anyone. Provide you with clothes, shoes, energy drinks, power bars, just so you can promote there product? I don't think so. And as for me taking bs classes, I have 205 credit hrs, more than enough to graduate. I'm dragging it out until spring quater so I can graduate in the shoe, go to tempe arizona again and defend my title, and because they are paying for it. So next time you wanna talk shit about how dumb I am, look in the mirror. You are bashing someone who is becoming succesful in multiple areas in their life. But I understand your ignorance leads you to believe your correct because your an old fuck whose glory days are dead and gone. When I get a pro contract next year ill make sure to send you a copy of it so you can see how much I get paid for my " activities". What do you get for yours? Lt1 parts that collect dust and mold? :gtfo:

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The LSX platform is now becoming what the flathead Ford and first generation small block chevy were. They are becoming cheap and easy to make go fast, getting stuffed into different platforms, and can be found with ease.


They'll stuff it into anything. :eek:

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Joe, Ive played raquetball for fitness reasons but its definately a sport. Ive never worked so hard as when playing raquetball. And Phil is unbelievable at what he does. I think your being ignorant in saying its not a sport. Dont knock it till you try it man....
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I love how everyone gets all butthurt cause phil/paul can't spell. I just take it as normal now.


I always chalked it up to posting on their phones. Auto correct and all. Over the past year I've figured out how to decode some of it, and lol quite often at it. Or maybe the decoder ring is off a notch and their posts aren't that funny.

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