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School me on school (long read)


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Looking for advice on attending school, and I’m looking to make a career change. But first here's my summary:


I served 6 years in the Air Force, choose to get out worked a year as a contractor in Afghanistan, now I have a secure steady job in Atlanta, GA making $30hr. I currently have a son further south that I provide child support and health insurance for. I work in the satcom / network industry and its technical but not too tough. However, I really don't like / appreciate what I do for a living, I was able to get this job because my friend is a grad of Georgia Tech with a EE degree, and it so happens I am the only one that works in this building without a degree. Not having a degree isn't what bothers me its just that without one I’m never going to progress passed the middle point on the totem pole. Also I have a family business in the auto/real-estate area that I will one day be responsible for, however I know jack about good business decisions. So here's my question how do I afford school without getting burned out.


Here is my current plan:


I have the GI Bill which will pay up to 2500 per semester and 1096 per month in housing. But once I start it I only have three years till it expires, which means I have 3 years to graduate.


Also I thought about taking a job with UPS, and from what I have heard will cover health benefits, and immediately start paying up to 1500 a semester in tuition even on a part time basis.


I have a house back in Columbus that I rent out for $600 monthly (it’s in the ghetto) that the lease runs out on in August, I could live there or just keep renting it out and live with my mother either way I don’t care.


So my question how possible is it to attend Ohio State (which is my first choice) and take care of my priorities at the same time? Also how have others on this board been able to pursue a higher education while taking care of their family?

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Get in contact with the VA about all of their options, I have heard "rumors" of some states paying for instate tuition for vets and you get to keep your GI bill (remember rumors). Also, I think the GI bills doesn't state you can only go to school for 3 years continuously, but that it pays for 36 months of school which as I took it meant a degree, as if you didn't go to school in the summer time and stuff like that. Doesn't the GI bill pay monthly?
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Between the post 9/11 bill and the montgomery gi bill one pays you, other pays the school and some housing. Honestly im lost and when I talk to people at the VA i tend to get a varying degree of answers. Ive been told you can use the montgomery and switch it to to the post 9/11 at your 3 year mark and get an extra year of eligiblity. (I cant find that piece of information anywhere.)


I do know that if you stop going to classes you lose the housing allowance. So maybe cut back on the classes to where you still qualify as a full time student.


And Ohio was rumored to pay your tuition if your a veteran but it was mis-interpeted. Every vet qualifys for in-state tuition fees, which is good for me as of right now Im a Georgia citzen.

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